The Evolution of News Consumption: How TikTok and Online Creators Are Changing the Game

We have to talk about what’s going on with mainstream media attacking those who do news on TikTok. And yes, talking about exactly what we’re doing here. Because while the DNC was going on, regardless who you’re voting for, there was a lot of content creators that were there who got interviewed. There was a lot of information that they released before a lot of the other news networks. And what now we’re starting to see is these news networks and legacy news outlets pretty much getting angry or jealous in a way that these creators and creators like myself are doing the news on TikTok. We’re not real reporters. We’re not this, we’re not that. When I think deep down inside, they’re running into the issue where their rank, their ranks are tanking, and when it comes to the, the rates and all of their audience shrinking down, I think they’re now realizing that they have to play ball with places like TikTok or Instagram, where now generations like even like 40 and under come only to us to see their news because we’re giving you verified information as it happens before the news networks can get something on air. And I think, in a way, we’re getting to a point to where mainstream media legacy groups are gonna try to fight back. And this is one way they’re doing it. Discrediting, discrediting all of the creators online. And it’s insane to me, because if they were smart, they Would just realize like, okay, well, that’s where media is going. People my age don’t sit down for 45 minutes to watch the nightly news. We’re not gonna go watch the 30 minute shows, you know, the news that come on at 6, 7, 8 or nine. People want the news fast and quick. They wanna be able to find it where they’re always on. Where they’re always on, which is their phone. And we as creators, especially the news ones, we have made this platform the go to place for people, our generation, to come and get news. Once again, I think the mainstream media is just angry about that and so that’s why they’re lashing out. They’re literally attacking a lot of these content creators. And I just want to say one thing. In America, actually around the world, we’ve always seen cycles of something new that comes out. Cause you had newspapers, then it was radio, radio, newspapers, then radio, then television, then better television. And then, you know, they build up the networks and the channels and it changed again. They went digital and now we’re online. Then from online it went to smartphones, then it went to doing the news on it. It is always evolving. Podcast, there’s so many things that happened around just even the past. Imagine the past 20 years. This is the new medium, this is the new way that younger generations consume media or news or anything. Because When they hear something, they’re not jumping on CBS, NBC, Fox News, they’re coming on TikTok to see their best friends, tell them what exactly is going on. And that’s the big thing that these big networks don’t understand. We make these videos, we’re not addressing the world. Like right now, I’m looking the camera, you’re on your phone, I’m talking to you. I’m not talking to million people. And we’re also very personable cause we know where you’re coming from. Unlike the news where today at 4:00 there was a blah, blah, blah, we’re here to talk to you, give you the information, be your best friend. And right now, the legacy media can’t do that and won’t do that. So instead of them changing, they’re attacking the people that are, like myself, giving the news in that sense because they can’t do it. And just to sum it up, really, at the end of the day, it’s all about jealousy and money. There’s less and less generation that they know they’re not gonna get because they’re getting it on here. Which means they’re jealous of us cause we’re getting their audience and they’re losing money cause they don’t have the viewership. That is just my two cents. Take it as you will. This is the future. Whether it is on TikTok or Instagram or another platform we don’t even know about, this is where we are in the world. You get your news online from verified sources, people Who you trust? People who you vetted. You found these people, you looked into their backgrounds. You saw they’re not crazy people doing conspiracy theories. They’re people who actually know what they’re doing in their specific field. That’s where niches are so important, especially here on TikTok. Because, you know, if you found a cool frog, you wanna make sure you know someone who actually knows about that stuff, versus Joe Schmo down the street who one time had a pet frog. But that is my two cents, and I apologize for the rambling. It’s just. It’s so interesting to see it all unfold right now, especially in the genre that I’m in. We do the news, so as they’re attacking some of these other TikTok creators, it’s like, well, I fall in that loop, too, so cut it out. And I’m gonna be honest with you. NBC, CBS, ABC, we get our news online faster, sometimes 2, 3 days before you, because you don’t have the infrastructure like we do in our niche. People giving you information, those connections, and it’s that jealousy and money thing. Just keeps coming right back to that. You let me know what you think about this in the comment section below. I know I rambled on. Just. It’s. It’s a very interesting time right now. And on the side note, please go ahead and subscribe here as I’m building this channel and the one on YouTube. Joaquin Contino news. I greatly appreciate it. And you guys stay safe.