Colorado Weather Update: A Snoozy Week Ahead Leading into Labor Day Weekend

So, uh, yeah, that pretty much sums up Colorado’s weather for this week. For this week of August the 26th, and heading into your Labor Day weekend, it’s a snoozer. Reason being, we kind of in between a ridge of high pressure and an area low pressure off to our north. So the result is we’re going to be kind of trapped in between those. And we kind of get neutral weather for the next few days. We shut off the monsoon machine that’s been so strong for the last couple of weeks. It’s been a very busy month of August, some parts of the high country picking up about 300 400% of their typical month to date average rainfall. That is good news for a lot of those higher elevations, but for us here in the Denver area, we have not seen nearly that much rainfall. That said, this week, temperatures 80s, 90s basically all week long, with rain chances just about nil until the upcoming weekend. Early glance at your Labor Day weekend forecast. Saturday looks dry. Sunday, at this point looks like it could have the highest odds for a storm. Depends on the timing of a front and the exact positioning of a trough of low pressure. But at this point, I would say that your overall outlook is a dry one, with only, at worst, isolated storms during the afternoon on both Sunday and on your Labor Day next Monday. So the meantime, and go back to sleep, Mother Nature, because it’s certainly going to be a snoozy week ahead of weather for us across Colorado.