Desert Eagle Dilemma: A Gaming Adventure

Agar Digo! Oh, god! Wanna go? Go crazy? I guess. No, I got a deagle. Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. You’re gonna live. I have a deagle. You’re gonna live. Didn’t last time you had a deagle. He’s dead! He’s dead! Oh, shit! Ash! Where? Shit on me. I’m dead. That was awful. You should have never let me lead with the Desert Eagle. This is just as much on you as it is on me. I scared him off. I scared. Get my stuff. Get your stuff. I’m full of loot. Oh, god. Yeah, get your stuff right in the hot zone. I don’t have anything worth keeping. And I mean that in the nicest way. I am eating your lunch, though. Maybe the friendship wouldn’t have LED with the Deagle. Just what do you mean, wouldn’t lead with the Deagle? It was awesome when it was cool, and then it got out of hand. It didn’t do anything.