Exploring a Unique Grocery Shopping Adventure with Martin: From Champagne Grapes to Broccoli Rice and Gourmet Finds

Okay, hi guys. I’m welcome. Okay, Martin loves champagne grapes. This is called champagne grapes. Okay, but this is like in medium size. So we’re gonna get this for Martin. I’m in public car.

They have all this Japanese fruit right here. Okay, look at this. Isn’t it beautiful? Tes wb. 5935305159. Sampai sekarang aku kasih duit. Is that, oh, bro, I need some shots, right? So how much? Yep.

I need a digestion washer, wheat grass and apple lid along with me. Oh, I need some keyless woe. Tapi jangan kita panas apa?

Oke. Banyak khasnya dia. You know dia punya fighting ini lagi tinggi daripada sih. Enaknya fincas sangat tinggi. So juga enak buat cuci.

So set up what salad? I love. This is so cute. We got gourmet Michael Green. So look at this, guys. This is so adorable. We got here micro greens set up. Yeah, look at all the tomatoes, guys.

Oh, and the purple carrot. So what kind of purple this is? What local. Baby local baby spinach. Oh kalau kita beli nggak boleh buat jus. God, I have, oh, my God, guys, look at this. I have this. I didn’t know they have broccoli rice as well. Broccoli rice. Okay.

And vegetable kinoa. Okay. You know what, guys? Let’s try this. Rice. Broccoli. Okay. Ready to eat? Okay, let’s. Fides tahunnya. They’re trying this one. Let’s try cauliflower, Anna. Sorry, broccoli rice.

I make the thing of stepped up. Can I just show you something? The tomatoes are gorgeous. Look at that, guys. If this is not to die for.

Okay, so this one I love to buy this one. Oh, this is such a cute. Exe untuk makan boleh langsung untuk benar. I know Sunday, of course, we need our blueberries. Okay, blueberries are really good. Okay, for overall health. And it’s really good because it’s very high in antioxidant.

Look at what my pH. D. She’s so cute. So this, we need this garlic soya. Me.

Negatives sedap gila guys ini gue punya ini macam macam sekali. Which only one? Oh, this one. This pickle. What is this? Is it like pickle?

Okay, I’m gonna try this. I’m not too sure. Buy for Marty. Lets do this. Kak telur ikannya satu satu panjang tuh enggak enggak. Favorite this one. Yes.

Yeah, okay. So I will always love to pack the beans. Of course, we cannot forget about cheese, guys. So we’re going to get this black truffle. Guda truffle is so yummy. So we’re gonna get two cheese. Okay, Douyin is cheese.

Tapi murah lagi kecilnya. Masalahnya ini kalau kita makan cepat muak tau gudangnya nih. Oke nih sorry gw uda travel cepat muak. So we’re also gonna get, okay, not mozzarella, okay, not Cheda, we get another cheese. Okay, this. Good job, cheese H, 5 to 6, H sheep, black truffle. Because this one sounds like garbage. There are some blue cheese.

My study law. Oh, yes, sir. Yesterday, this handsome. Hello, this hand can I’m putting on TikTok. Is it okay? All right. I saw. So this handsome man here is doing our oyster. So we’re gonna take oyster. Look at something. This is the best. The best of best yogurt.

Sumpah sedap banget the one oke stop one oke so yoghurt sebab nak buat ini kan enak buat saya kempunan akan doso karena jaman dulu itu oke. Istick apa beza dia? The contest NASI dont get it off i punya. What is it? What are you cripping, right?

Yes. Thank you. Yeah, so I have that one. I check only with the raw eggs. Thank you. I put inside the oyster really isn’t ice. Surprise. Do you have it now? Powerful. For what? For that on the bed. Not to do a to find boyfriend. Not fine. Add one more. This is so good. I’m not. Oh my. So garlic is the best, right? At home. Oyster. Take oyster. Thank you, my brother. Alright, so we’ll finish this up. Let’s go.