Q&A Madness: Answering Your Burning Questions and Taking Risks!

Let’s change it up a little bit in this video. Instead of me taking this deck and giving it a proper casino style shuffle and dealing myself a blackjack effortlessly, let’s go to the comments. To Jim, I think his name was, he wants me to do and ask me anything. See, on Instagram, I do this about once a month, but if you don’t follow me on that platform, you might not know that. So whatever platform you’re watching on now, I’ll leave a question in the comments and I’ll come back and I’ll make a video, a long video, answering those questions. And I’m sure that’ll be completely sane, normal questions from normal people, you know, like, can I drink a gallon of gasoline? Haha, I’m sure that it’s not gonna be a complete shit show. Um, so let’s do it. Let’s have some fun. Ask me whatever questions you want. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and I will do my best to answer those questions. And lucky again. Um, that’s about it. Gasoline. It’s gonna be the gasoline. I can feel it. Oh, and it’s not a deck full of aces and kings. That’s gonna be the question.