Bedroom Makeover: Transforming with Fun Prints and Happy Vibes

Hi, guys, I’m back in my boys bedroom, which can only mean one thing. The prints have arrived. I took a bit of, like a pause from, like, posting and things because I was painting lots of white and I didn’t really feel like it was very exciting or that I needed to share, but some exciting things have arrived. In here is also some prints for my daughter’s room, but I’ll share them in a separate video. So I’m gonna show you the prints before I put them up. This one is from Elena Balmer. I love Elena Balmer. Look how fun that is. And isn’t that just gonna be absolutely perfect for this wall? And I love all the colours in it as well. From Yaya Studio, which is also another. I can open it. Another favourite of mine, the other one for that wall. Fill in the space. So if you’ve watched the other parts of the Bedroom Swap series, then you’ll know I didn’t really want these prints up here. And I’ve also had a bit of trouble with this gallery wall, working out the placement of the pictures. So my plan today is, now that the prints are here, to work out where everything’s gonna go. I’ve been so excited to get these prints in their frames. How amazing do they look? Honestly? Eleanor Balmer and Yaya Studio for all your kids prints. They are incredible. Some other favourites of mine are kid of the Village, Everly Rose prints, Minnie and Maxi. That’s just a small list out of a very big one. Now, the first job was to move this Happy Days print because I was not happy with where it was, and a lot of you agreed that it needed to be moved down. This is the layout now. A very wonky one, may I add, but I think I like this layout. I just need to move some of the prints around slightly. I absolutely love how it’s all come together and how the prints all compliment each other. They make me smile a lot, so I really hope the boys are gonna love them. As you can see, I’m very indecisive, and this actually took a very long time. But here is the finished result. Let me know what you think. I love it so much. It’s like the happiest little corner ever. And if you’re interested to see what else I get up to, keep watching this series. There’s lots of more odd little jobs to be done. The Boys Closet is the next one on the list.