Exploring Potential Headquarters: A Tour of the New Stardust Office Space

Come tour an office space for my small business with me. We’ve gone there a little bit early, so I was just standing outside trying to see what it looked like. And I was making videos to try to see what the lighting would be and everything of me doing, like, unlock my office with me videos. Just, you know, you gotta get the aesthetic. So the realtor came, we checked out the bathroom and the break room. The unfortunate thing about this office is that the break room and the bathroom are shared space, but that’s not that big of a deal. And then it doesn’t take away from the square footage of the actual office space, so it’s fine by me. I’m also planning on putting a little kitchen at the office space anyway, so I won’t really be using the break room that much. But you walk in, and there’s this very large space, which is where the inventory would go. These little cubicles would be moved out of here. And then there is another little office room in here, which is gonna be for, like, photography and content, all that stuff. And then this is the front room, and we’ve got a closet as well. I moved into my current office space about a year and a half ago, and it was only ever meant to be temporary, primary, until I could find something bigger. Because it is not enough space, unfortunately, because I love the Office. So I wish I could stay, but I cannot tell you guys how hard it has been to find another place. Again, I was only supposed to be temporarily in that other office space and I’ve been there a year and a half. So anyways, needless to say it’s taking a really long time to find a space. Mind you, I’ve been looking like everyday. Something that’s really hard in the commercial real estate space is that they want you to sign like five year leases. It’s just kind of hard to plan five years in advance. So I’ve been looking at much larger spaces to make sure that I didn’t grow out of it within the first like few months. But this office space came up and it’s quite a lot smaller than I’ve been looking at, but I think it could still work. The reason this could work is because they said I only have to do a 13 month lease, which could be amazing. That makes it so that right now I can actually expand my product line and everything since I won’t be busting at the seams in this space. And then in a year I can re evaluate and see if I need to move to a bigger space or if this space is good for another year. So anyways, I just wanna know what y’all think of this space. Obviously it has not gone through the Stardust glow up yet, so it will Look a lot cuter than this. But let me know what you think. This could be the new Stardust headquarters. Let me know if you want me to do a video of how I would set it up and decorate it.