Crumble Cookie Review: S’mores Supreme and Pumpkin Perfection – A Sweet Experience Recap

What’s up, beautiful people? We are back for another crumble review. I didn’t get it last week cause the menu was. Yeah. But this week, it’s good. I had to wait 20 minutes for the pumpkin thing. I’m so big back. I waited. I didn’t care. In the first box. This box is free. We got s’mores, uh, peanut butter, like, chocolate doll up thing. I don’t know. And normal chocolate chip. I got another s’mores, the oatmeal one, which I’m a little nervous about, but I think that could be good. And then this Berry one. This Berry one I have no confidence in. And then we got the pumpkin square, baby. Dude, this thing is actually still wicked hot when I got it. Just came out the oven. It smells so good. Okay, we’re trying berries and cream first. Berries and cream. Berries and cream. I don’t, uh, trust fruit on, like, desserts. I don’t know why I don’t like it, but we’re gonna try it. Not my flavor. If you like berries and cream, I guess it’ll be good, but for me, that’s a 4.1. Okay, up next, we got iced oatmeal. Smells pretty good. Hmm. Hmm, hmm. That one’s good. It’s really nothing special. Actually, I was kind of hyping up too much. But if you like oatmeal cookies and, like, kind of like sugar cookies with a little icing, it’s pretty good. It’s not bad. I give it, like, a 7. Maybe a 7 6.9. Wait, I can’t wink. Fuck. So I messed up the name. This is actually Peanut Butter Blossom. I think it’s just a peanut butter cookie with chocolate on top. I could be wrong, though. Let’s try it. Yeah, this is good. This is unbelievable. That one’s really good. It’s just a peanut butter cookie with a little chocolate frosting on top. I mean, you can’t go wrong with that. I love peanut butter cookies. I give that, like, an 8. 8.1. Normal chocolate chip. Next, a chocolate double chocolate chomp, boom, boom. Wait, there’s no chocolate chip? No chocolate chips. But honestly, still pretty good. Um, I’m not even gonna rate it. I’m big back. I’m still gonna eat that. Now. Honestly, this is the one I was most excited for, the s’mores one. Once I saw this, I didn’t care what else was on the menu. I knew I was gonna at least get this one. Hmm. Yep, yep. That s’mores one might be the best crumble cookie I’ve ever had. I could be overhyping it, but that’s good. I give that, like, a 9.7, 9.6. That thing is amazing. Okay, next up is the Pumpkin Square. Luckily, I got a fork. Let’s dig in. I don’t really know what’s in this. It’s still warm. It’s. Dude, it smells so good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I said the s’mores one was the best. Dude, that Pumpkin Square did something in my pants. That thing was unbelievable. I love that Uh, I don’t remember what I gave the s’mores, but I’ll get the Pumpkin Square higher. 9.5. That concludes the crumble review of this week. Um, that Berry 1 was probably the worst crumble cookie I’ve ever had, but it made up with it. With the s’mores one and the pumpkins cake, spice, whatever it is, those two are unbelievable. Those are two of the best things I’ve ever had. A crumble peanut butter cookie. I mean, you can’t go wrong with that. Simple. It’s easy. Put a little chocolate on it. Mwah! Chocolate chip cookie. Didn’t have chocolate chips. It’s fine. It was still good. The oatmeal one, kind of mid, but it wasn’t bad. Dude, I waited 20 minutes for that pumpkin thing, and I’m so happy I did. That thing was good. I’m a little big batch. Why is crumbl so expensive? Can we get it a little cheaper, please? I pay more or I pay less for a meal than I do for these freaking stupid cookies. Send help. Send money. I love you guys so much. Peace out, y’all.