From Dream to Reality: How I Achieved Financial Freedom and Professional Success in 4 Years

Roughly 4 years ago, I made a plan, graduate with 2 bachelor degrees, save over 150 k, buy a house, build a share portfolio and land a remote job. And I did it. After graduating high school, I plan to take a gap year but covid, I saw an opportunity. I thought why not use this time to get ahead? So I set a 4 year plan, work multiple jobs in my spare time budget. I called it delayed gratification, four years of sacrifice for hopefully a lifetime of freedom. I worked jobs in cafes and bars in retail. I had two different grad positions and I did some work as a set assistant. I was an online student, so I studied on the weekend at night at 5:00am wherever I could spare time. I stopped reading fictional books and began reading property and share investment books. I changed my mindset with money. I saw it as a tool to create freedom rather than something that gives me instant satisfaction or temporary pleasure. I tracked my spending, limited my eating out, always cooking from home. I didn’t shop at no new clothes, shoes, accessories. I didn’t upgrade my phone or computer. But you know what I figured out I actually didn’t need to. And it’s just over four years later, I have 160 case safe. Two weeks ago, I graduated with a distinction in my dual degree. I have pre approval for my first investment property and have been doing Online inspections from Greece as I landed a remote job and will be working while travelling for the inevitable future. Some people say I’m lucky. I say I dared to dream and worked hard for 4 years to achieve this.