Understanding the Unforgivable Sin: Insights and Revelations

Listen, just listen, just listen, just listen. So I was asking god, and I was just like, oh, Gee, it’s. It’s just, Kate, part of my mind like, Yo, what is. What is a blast me understand. Help me understand the unforgivable single? Just give me some understanding. And so I did my research, I was looking online, I was watching videos, I was reading the word. Boom, revelation slid on me. Let me tell you what it is, though. Long story short, but I’m gonna give you some context later. Obviously got. We try to go look at the verses yourselves, cause I don’t want y’all to lean on my understanding. We on God’s understanding. The continual denial of the conviction that the Holy Spirit gives you over time will harden your heart. Let me re say that again. The continual denial, you denying what the spirit convict you of, well, as old as time passes, will harden your heart to a point to where it hardens your heart so much that you refuse. And you say, I will not repent, I will not do this, I will not do that in the name of the Lord. Knowing who he is, knowing about god. When you actively identify with that sin and you refuse, that means if you know about god. And did you say that? That means if you living in this sin and you still trying to say that you claim to be a follower of Christ, Every single second of the day that you are living in that sin and not repenting intentionally, let. That’s when you begin to commit that unforgivable sin, because that’s what it is. I’m not done, though. Follow me. Follow me. If you look at it, it says in. In exodus, when Pharaoh. When Pharaoh was supposed to know when the plays were happening with Pharaoh, the first five plays, you know, Pharaoh himself was choosing to harden his heart against the Lord. On the sixth plague, it says the Lord. That means god hardened his heart. God allowed him to choose this path. And god says, you wanna choose this path? Bet. Stay on it. Stay on this path. God hardens the heart, which means. Y’all not hearing me. Y’all not hearing. The unforgivable sin all boils down to us. It’s a choice. If that’s what you can kind of hide and sneak around. At the end of the day, when you live in us, and when you living in sin and you refuse to repent for that sin, and you refuse to accept the conviction of the Holy Spirit, when you refuse to accept the. The. The. The blessing and the Grace and the love of Christ, because you wanna do what you wanna do, that’s when you commit the unforgivable sin. And because you wanna do that, guess what? God hears you and says, I. I’mma let you have it. I don’t front. I ain’t trying to go On too crazy. But let me tell you where it connects. It just goes like. That’s just. What’s just one little piece of the Bible, brothers. One little piece of the Bible. Let me tell you something. If you look at Romans 1:24, it talks about how god will give us over to sin. It will give us over to our. Give us over to the lust and the desires of our heart. Which means if you go so far with the choice that you make, god will give you over the sin. He will give you over to all them things that you wanted so bad. You don’t want him? Cool. Go over there. And when god gives you over the sin and you allow. Oh, you not hearing me, bro? I’m eating a cookie. Leave me alone. I’m eating a cookie. I’m hyped right now. I’m hyped. I’m moving around this house. I’m hyped. Alright, bet what? I want to break it down to say this, right? The way that god works is that when you continuously deny and reject the. The conviction of what he wants you to do, the promise of the Lord, the, the. The conviction of the spirit, when you do all of that, that’s when you are committing that on that unforgivable sin. But there is also this space here. If you look at what I said earlier, it talks about how in the first five plates, Pharaoh hardened his heart, which mean God gave you chances to get right with him, but instead, Pharaoh did his own thing right. Same thing goes for you. God gives us multiple chances to get our life right, but at the end of the day, we don’t know when our last day is. And when I let we. And we doing all this extra stuff, going out in this world, letting our heart be hardened against the Lord and his spirit and his convictions, that’s where the problem sets in. When you get so far gone that you refuse to repent, you refuse to accept conviction, you refuse to do any of that. And when you are long gone, put in this dirt, and when judgment day comes, you not have to take account for that refusal. And at that point, you can’t come back. God, I’m like, oh, man, you. And you were tweeting for real? No, you’re grits, bro. I’m. I’m sorry. I’m hyped. That kind of. That was the revelation for the day. This video still going on too long. I hope it reaches who was supposed to reach. Like, this is like, I’m hype right now. I’m about to sweat through my do rag, like, man. And, no, listen, if y’all got any of the verses or y’all wanna add to it, heck, if you think what I said is wrong, please provide me verses, correct me. I’m okay with that. But that’s revelation I got, yo. And if I’m wrong, i’mma Have to definitely pray in that, but I. I really believe. Like, that’s. That’s crazy, yo