Tales from the Hood: Growing Up Among Gangs and Homeowner Associations

When people wrecking your cars is normally in gangs. I know that cause I grew up around a bunch of gangs. But I can tell just by looking at y’all. Only gang y’all grew up around was the H O A. That was housing. That is the Housing Mafia. Homeowners Association. They don’t play. You gonna cut that grass? You can’t even paint your house a different colour without their permission. Hey, hey, hey. Did we say turquoise? You wanna see that colour, you go to the aquarium. Arkansas is country, so our gangs are different. You know, I’ve been approached by a gang of guys on horses before. That’s weird. When they say, hey, what hood you from, cuz? And then you hear, I’m like, see, biscuit is gang. Gang. And too