Comedy and Chaos: A Day in the Life of Amy Schumer

Oh, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. How are you today? I’m having a day. I’m having a day. Okay? I’m having a day. Okay? Let me just tell you what happened. Okay, let me just tell you what happened. I had a headache this morning. I had a headache this morning. So I take two tylenols. So I pop two tylenols. But they’re Tylenol PMS. But the Tylenol PM. Yeah, not just regular Tylenol. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re, like, super tired, okay? So then I. So then I drink green tea to try to wake up. So then I drink green tea to try to wake up. Guess what? It’s not. It’s sleepy time tea. Did it help? No, it’s sleepy time tea. I’m. I’m struggling. I’m struggling. I’m fucked up. I’m seriously fucked up. I’m, uh. I’m fucked up. I’m fucked up. Anyway, listen, I drive by here, and I see these inspiring quotes on your sign. I drive by here, and I see these inspiring quotes on your sign. Do you take suggestions? Do you take suggestions? Suggestions? Yeah, I have a few. I have a few pitches. I have. I have a few. Give a man a press shirt, he’ll have a clean clothes for a day. Teach a man to press a shirt, we’ll hire him. Give a man a clean shirt, and he’ll press it for a day. Teach a man to press a Shirt and we’ll hire him. Haha! Laugh really hard. Laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh. That’s a good one. That’s a good one. That’s a good one. Oh, that’s a good one. That’s a good one. Oh, that’s a good one. All right. Oh, haha! You can see why I’m so successful. You can see why I’m so successful. Yes. How about this? How about this one? Listen, I got another one. Here’s another one. Okay. I got another one. Yes. When life hands you lemons, say, hey, cool, free lemons. One lemon says to another lemon, one lemon says to the other lemon, one lemon says to the other lemon, what do you. That’s it. Oh, that was a thinker. Never mind. That’s a thinker. I don’t think that. Here’s one. Here’s one. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you fool me once, you’re not gonna fool me again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on you for fooling me and shame on you. Shame on you. Yeah, I like that one. Okay. Yeah. Start. Start to nod out. Start to nod off a little bit. Nod off a little bit. That’s a nut up a little bit. That’s a nut up. Yeah, it’s a nut up. Alright. You gotta nut up. Alright. Hey, start to fall asleep. Fall down. Fall down. Go down on the ground. On the ground. Are you okay? Wake up. Wake up and yell Amelia Estavez. Just yell Amelia Estavez. Amelia. Amelia Estavez. Thank you for your hospitality. Thank you. Thanks. This is a great place. Thank you. Do you know who likes this place? Do you know who likes this place? What’s up? Do you know who likes this place? Do you know who Alexa plays? Ellen Degeneres. Ellen Degeneres. She plays Ellen Degeneres. And she. And she’s been telling me what to say this whole time. She’s been telling me what to say the whole time. There’s cameras everywhere. Where’s cameras everywhere? Are you serious? Yeah. No way. No way. I’m sorry I scared you. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Thanks, Melissa. Hi, guys. Wow, really nice. Um, you, uh. The last time you were here, we sent you to, uh, the dry cleaners. It’s your dry cleaners, by the way. Yeah, yeah, it is. Milton Nitties, which. Remember I was saying, is this a good idea? Cause this is actually where I go, right? And you thought it was extra funny? Yes. Go down on the ground. On the ground! So I was telling her what to say, and I told her to faint. And everyone freaked out there because she fainted. Supposedly, they called 9 1 1, so now you must have. When you heard that they were calling 9 1 1. Well, also what I heard right before 9 1 1 is like, Amy Schumer’s going down. Amy Schumer’s on the ground! And I was like, hey! Then she kept. She called me Amy Schumer, which was to me, my favorite part. Uh, what a compliment. But she called me Amy Schumer like four or five times, right? And then Amy Schumer’s on the ground. Yeah. And then 9 1 1, so they were rushing to get Amy Schumer. Yeah. And people did. Were not liking it. And I just. I remember at the corner of my eyes as somebody with their child just was like, no, no, no, no, no, no. And they pulled. They pulled their little son back for me, cause, like, that lady is crazy. Yeah. And then I just was in there recently and someone walked behind me that worked there and said, try to keep it upright this time. I was like. And I just yelled back. I’m like, it’s Ellen’s fault. Yeah, good for you. Yes and no. Nobody seemed to hear that. No, they were like, Ellen can do no wrong. Oh, they love you there. They. And I thought they like, all flinched when I came in. But the whole. Nobody’s ever. We’ve never had something go so wrong where 9 1 1 was called. So it was a. It was a highlight for us. But then you were sweet, you had her in and you’ve like. We gave her money. You gave her money? Yeah, yeah, we gave her money so that she just wanna be mad at you. Go see Amy Schumer in concert. Haha. Um.