Exciting Plans for Joseph’s 6th Birthday: Bowling and Swimming Adventures Await!

Happy Monday, guys. Happy Monday. Happy Monday. It’s Monday morning and we’re off on the school run. How is everybody this morning? Good. We’re very excited cause we’re getting ready for a certain something. Aren’t we, Joseph? Yes. What’s happening tomorrow? Birthday. It’s Joseph’s 6th birthday tomorrow. So we’re all very, very excited about that. And Joseph has already chosen what we’re gonna do this weekend. And what we’re gonna do this weekend, Joseph? Bowling. Yeah. He’s not speaking. Yeah, he was gonna. He chose bowling. That’s so funny. He chose bowling. So we. We had the choice of going to landmark or going to bowling. And he chose 10 pin bowling. So that’s cool. Or going to swimming. Or going to swimming. So we’re going to book that today for the weekend on me. Joseph, are you looking forward to your birthday? Right, guys, look, we’ll catch up with you later. We’re going to school. Say bye. Bye.