Four L’s and a Tech Journey: A Day in the Life of a Full-Time Content Creator

Hello, friends. Welcome to my bathroom. Okay, we’re getting ready for the day and I need to do a little get to know me. Mostly because we gain new followers and people are like, who are you? So let’s get into. I have four L’s in my name. Two in the first name, two in the last name. The last name, I didn’t plan. First name, I didn’t plan. My mom did that. But yeah, double L’s, both names. I am a full time tech content creator. Before I was full time, I worked at apple as a project manager. Before I was a tech content creator, I did like, lifestyle and beauty. I was a makeup artist. For a really long time. I worked at Mac. I felt like I shared this a bunch of times, but maybe not enough. I have a son, he’s eight. Came straight from the Cooter. Homegrown. I’ve also been with my husband for 15 years. We’ve been married for 10 of those years. We just celebrated our 10 year anniversary this month, so. Yep. Uh huh. I feel like when I tell people I’ve been with my husband for 15 years, there’s like a shock factor there. They’re like, how old are you? I’m 31. I’ll be 32 September 15th. That’s my birthday. Cause y’all would do something nice for me. No, I’m just kidding. But yeah, we met my sophomore year, his senior year, and we locked in. I don’t know, we just Get along so well. We started friends. And that’s still my road dog. That’s still my road dog. I always get people asking me how I got into tech. I used to have a business, an e commerce business. I built the website for that business and then got really intrigued by that process. So I Learned web design and then web development and then full stack development, and then boom, I was into, like, the back end of tech. I started kind of doing tech content because I didn’t really see a lot of people that looked like me doing it. And I felt like it may be helpful to other people because I was constantly looking for it. So if you can’t find it, be it. And now we’re here. It has been such a cool process. I’ve been able to partner with brands like Microsoft and Google and Best Buy and Canon and go to apple events, and I’m honestly shocked at how far we’ve come. But I met some of the coolest people ever. I’ve made a ton of new friends. I’ve met some of the dopest brand reps, and then made that my friends. I’ve tried to show up constantly to inspire people. If people paid people to nap, I would do that job. I’m a professional napper, baby. I can nap. You know the people who are like, I don’t know how people do out. Stressed? Nap. Behind on work? Nap. Overwhelmed? Nap. Hungry? Nap. I can nap in any. In any situation. I just recently restarted going to therapy. Y’all know, I lost my dad not even a year ago, and it has been a whirlwind. This is a reminder to get the support and get the help that you need. Isn’t nothing wrong with that. Don’t be embarrassed. I got these little. I got these little finger puffs from Morphe, and I’m like, where have you been all my life? I grew up in ST. Louis, Missouri, but I’ve also lived in Schaumburg, Illinois, Tampa, Florida. Actually miss living in Tampa. I am a hard worker. Like, I like working. I like chilling, too. And I’m trying to find a better balance, especially this year because it’s been insane. But I actually do enjoy, like, working hard. I have been on 24 round trip flights this year, which means 48 single flights. This is the most I’ve ever found in my life. One thing I did not know about the tech space, I’ve said this before, is that they travel a lot. Now, this setup is not a good example, but I do enjoy, like, cameras and lighting and audio, and that’s why I, like, share a lot of that with y’all. I love working out. Right now, my current obsession is at home Pilates and using my at home Stairmaster. If y’all are interested in more fitness stuff, check out my stories, cause I’ll be on there working out. But I really Wanna build out my home gym and make it, like, real nice. I have two older siblings. We have CJ and Adam, and I’m the youngest, so that whole oldest daughter syndrome thing, I definitely fit the Bill. I think I’m funny. I don’t know if other people think I’m funny, but I, like, I genuinely laugh at myself. I used to be so embarrassed by shit, and now it’s very hard for me to be embarrassed. Y’all, me. And later went out for date night. I fell. I fell in the restaurant, and, god, I wish I could have recorded it, but I had no. Not an ounce of embarrassment. And I’m like, is this 30? Do I have no shame? I’m the uplifting, pushing friend. Like, I’m the person who you gonna call and be like, should I? And I’ll be like, hell, yeah. Like, do it. You can do it. I don’t like making big decisions. I get decision fatigue really easy. Like, what do you want for dinner? I don’t know. I don’t know. I’m working on getting hobbies. Tennis is next on my list. I love putting Legos together in my spare time. I don’t have great memory. Like, it’s not that great. It’s selective at best. I’m the queen of minding my business. Like, it’s usually just vibes around me. I don’t care about the people, business. All the celebrity gossip, think pieces, it’s not my speed. I’m fighting for my life over here. Every day. I don’t have time and energy to put into that anyways. I feel like that is a good stopping point. If you have any questions, leave them down below and hopefully this was helpful.