Surviving Monday: A Day in the Life of a Traveling Teacher

Today was the Monday’s Monday of all Mondays. But we made it through. We had some stuff happen at school that, um. I wasn’t able to be in my classroom all day. And I was like a traveling teacher and moving around and it just. It was a lot. Then I realized I didn’t make any videos today and I was like, wait, my friends don’t know what I’m doing. These are so good. And then I forgot I had a meeting from 4:30 to 5:30 for on ramps because today’s just been crazy. I didn’t go to the meeting. It’s alright. Tomorrow is a brand new day and I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully I’ll be back in my classroom, but if not, we’re gonna adapt. Also, I am down to my last of the Big’s sunflower seeds and dill pickle, and I can’t find them anywhere. So national emergency. Maybe after dinner I’ll go in to a few stores and try to find some. And then to 2 3. They didn’t have them. They only had the. The regular baked flavor. I need them. Alright, friends, it’s all I have for you right now. I’m. I’m gonna make burrito bowls for dinner, pack my lunch for tomorrow and then go to go try to find some more sunflower seeds. I’ll talk to you later. Bye.