Stick Nation, Dirty Rugs, and TikTok Trends: A Glimpse into My Daily Routine

Hi, friends. Grab your cup of coffee, your hot tea or beverage of your choice, and let’s have our Eagle Family gathering. How was your weekend? How was your Monday morning or Monday night? My question of the day is, what is the algorithm showing you on your TikTok? You know, how it goes through different things? Um, right now I’m seeing Stick Nation. Have you guys seen that yet? It’s where people show their sticks that they’ve found or collected various places. And, um, I’m going to go out in a few minutes and do a video of Big Mama, her. What’s left of her, for my submission to Stick Nation. I just find it very interesting. I’m also, and I have been for a while, but I love watching the videos of the guys cleaning dirty old rugs. I can watch those forever. I just love it. What are you seeing on your TikTok? So I’m off to work, and I love you guys, and I will see you this evening. Bye.