Excitedly Unboxing Vintage Baby Boy Clothes – A Mother’s Joyful Journey

I received a box full of vintage baby boy clothes for my baby and I am so excited. Literally made me just more excited to be a mom. So let me show you what I got. So first thing is, I got these two little books. I actually cannot wait to read these to my baby. They’re so freaking cute. The next thing that I see in this box, when I opened it up, was this little. Oh, my gosh, you’re literally kidding me. That’s Mickey Mouse and Pluto. And I cannot. It literally says Baby Mickey. My baby boy is gonna look so cute in these. The next thing was these overalls that I cannot wait to show you guys. Look how cute. Guys, look how cute. It’s Nemo. And in the back it says little dude. Ah, so cute. Next thing is this little jacket, this windbreaker, and it has a Tigger on it, says 1968, and it’s a baseball themed one. I literally cannot wait till he can grow into this and so I can put it on him. Ah, so cute. And then last but not least, it was my favourite thing out of. Well, favourite things out of this whole box. I cannot. I literally cannot. This little sweater, crew neck with the matching pants. Are you stinking kidding me? Look, it’s matching. Just imagine baby boy wearing this. I cannot wait. Oh, my goodness. This baby boy is gonna be so, so freaking cute. Cause, you know, I love to dress cutesy, so I’m gonna make sure my little boy is dressed cutesy, too. Shout out to Vegas Kid Thrifts. I literally love you so, so much. These were all gifts, and I cannot thank you enough. Literally. Go check her out, guys. She has girl and boy clothes. This is not promo. I just generally love this gift so much. I want to make its own video about. I love you so, so much. If you wanna see more little unboxing videos of baby boy clothes or. Or shoes or whatever things that I get for baby boy, let me know, because I am obsessed, obsessed with doing this, so I’m so excited. I also just can’t wait for you guys to see him wear these things when he’s a little bit older. Like, how cute will the pictures and videos be? I cannot wait. So, yeah, I love this so much.