Mastering Gray Zone Warfare: Essential Tips, Combat Strategies, and Game Insights

It’s been about two months since gray Zone Warfare launched into Early Access, and it’s been about a month since my last tip video. I’m still learning new things all the time playing this game. And there’s several things that I have Learned since the last video. So I think it’s about time and I boast you players with some new information. Hope you brought your pencil and notepad, cuz you’re about to get Learned today.

Tip No. 1, always make sure you give your pilot a big old kiss on the cheek on the way out of the helicopter or else the AI will give you a 360, no scope, one tab to the cheeks. But seriously, since we’re on the topic of helicopters, if you look on your map and see if friendly helicopters flying in there, it actually tells you exactly what LZ, the helie’s landing on. And with Patch 2 coming very soon, that you can actually play test now using these instructions posted on their discord. This next update will add nine more LCS and they’re also adding a feature where if you highlight a heli on the map, it’ll show you the pickup and destination of the heli. And this sounds like a good way to start to mitigate some of the LZ campers in the game.

Since we’re also on the topic of maps and in previous patch, I believe patch 1, they added some new key binds you can change if you do have side mouse buttons. You can add quick map and map to the same button, which makes it very easy to access your map to see if there’s friendlies around. They even made it to where if you click it on the mouse button, it’ll just pull up the quick map. And if you hold the mouse button, it’ll pull up the big map. And here’s the hoping that Patch 2 adds more toggle features like leaning and aiming. Because personally for me as a player, I hate holding down buttons. It would just be really nice to have some kind of customization when it comes to that kind of stuff.

Another tip, a lot of people don’t know and probably will never use is that if you’re near a river and you have somewhere far that you have to travel to and the river is flowing in that direction, then you can actually get into the river and flow with the downstream, meaning you will be moving at a running pace and it does not drain your stamina at all.

Now let’s move on to some combat tips. This may seem obvious, but if you’re around a bunch of buildings and you’re in a Pvp situation, look around for barrels, dumpsters, crates, fences, anything you might be able to mantle to get on top of a roof so maybe you can get a jump on them. They’ll almost never expect you to be the high ground. Another thing you should practice on remembering is to maybe pop a painkiller before you get into a fight. Because if you do get hit, it’ll already start mitigating that pain effect that you get and maybe help out with some of the suppression that comes on your screen. It’s also a good idea to maybe detach your scope whenever you’re in a close quarter situation and you don’t need a lot of range because some sites kind of block your peripheral sometimes. Also, this AI right here was built at a pure steel in Kevlar. This dude literally eats M855 a one for breakfast. Or I just can’t aim. You guys can be the judge of that. But for now, we’re gonna go back to base for a few more tips. So in Grace and warfare, the length of your barrel actually matters if you’re going into a close quarter situation like midnight sapphire in the hotel or just any indoor building you may want to bring a weapon with a shorter barrel because if you’re trying to look out of that doorway or like a piece of cover, your 20 inch barrel in four might get hung up. And right here is a perfect example. This also might make your weapon building a little bit more versatile too, at least until SMGs are added into the game. So having the longest barrel M4 might not always be the best option.

Another tip to gain information into a doorway or like around a corner is to sprint past the doorway while using your free look button, which is your middle mouse button. This takes players by surprise. And you can also jump past the doorway. That way you know exactly where they are and you can go around and get the jump on them. It’s probably the best way to get an advantage on somebody who’s camping inside of a building.

Another great way to get a jump on a player is to bait them in with like a healing item. So you pull out a circuit bandage or anything like that. A nearby enemy player will hear that queue. And as soon as you hear them rushing, you can right click to cancel the healing animation and start blasting.

Another pretty cool feature about this game you might not know is that you can change the reticle on some of the sites. As of right now, I only know of two sites that do this, but it is still a pretty cool feature.

Just one more quick tip before we go back into Sawmill. When you’re in the crouch position, you can actually adjust the height of the crouch by holding control and scrolling up and down with a mouse wheel. This can come in handy whenever you’re fighting against AI and even other players. You can barely peek above cover and I’m pretty sure AI won’t spy you. And whenever you’re going against other players, it makes you harder to spot. But just remember that there’s hide over bore in this game, and you might just shoot at the cover on accident before you get into a fight, you might want to check your Mac status to do just a mag check. You just need to tap V. And if you wanna be sure you have one in the chamber, you might wanna do a full weapon inspection. To do that, hold down Alt and press V and your character will fully inspect your weapon.

I know that most of everybody that’s played this game knows that. But I do have a feeling that whenever the devs do add weapon durability to the game, that this will be extremely crucial to do before and after a fight just to be sure your weapon doesn’t jam up during combat because before you know it’ll be added into the game. So maybe just get in the habit of starting to do a full inspection of your weapon every single time you get into a fight. Plus, it’s always good to see how much ammo you might have in your bag because trust me, you don’t wanna be that guy caught with your pants down.

One thing I have noticed in the late game with places like Midnight Sapphire and Tiger Bay is that helmets are almost useless. Just about all the AI and all those locations are using bullets to go straight through it. And let’s face it, if there’s a player over there, they’re probably using high tier ammo too. So maybe just think about that and just start rocking the bucket hat now while I’m healing up here. It’s a perfect time to let you know that tourniquets heal you way quicker than a bandage. It’s only by about two or three seconds, but that can be literally crucial in an extremely intense situation and can save your ass in a battle.

Now let’s get you into some things that might aid you in learning grades on warfare. First off, map Genie. This thing can help you out tremendously. It reveals to you things like loot spots, keys, places a boss might spawn, and just other extremely useful things in the game to help you learn the map. Somebody on Reddit also graces with this beautiful ammo penetration chart that is extremely helpful whenever you’re trying to learn the ammo in the game. I will have both of these sites, LinkedIn, the description. Another thing to do while you’re learning this game, even if you come from Tarkov, anything like that, and you’re not scared of Pvp, if you’re having trouble learning the game, just play on PvE servers. It’s really not that big of a deal. I mean, I’ve primarily played on PvE servers. There’s nothing wrong with it. It helps you get some of those tasks done without the headache, get a good feel of the game’s mechanics, and it’s a good low risk way to build up your stash.

So whether or not you Learned anything from this video, I really hope that you’re enjoying Grace and warfare. It’s all about the experience in watching this game and community grow. If you are enjoying Grayson Warfare and you are looking for a small tight knit community, the link to my discord will be in the description. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have fun doing it. If you did enjoy the video, don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe. And I will see you in the next one.