The Ultimate Trader Joe’s Snack Guide: Chia Butter Rolls and Bruschetta Sauce

I’m gonna show you the best snack from Trader Joe’s. Do not ask me nothing. These are the ones. I’m gonna explain everything. You need these chia butter rolls first. They expire in 36 hours. You better eat them all. Do not ask me if it’s safe. I’m not a scientist. Then you wanna get your butter? I leave my butter out, yes. Do not ask me if it’s safe. I’m not a scientist. Anyway, you wanna make sure you flip this roll in the air fryer. But I left mine in there too long. Oh, I was so mad. Then you’re gonna stab your bread in half. And I have a comedy show in Chicago this weekend. Y’all better get tickets. Anyway, once I got. I can’t do this with one hand. Once I got my bread split open, I like to get a big helping of butter because I’m from the south, but spreading the butter really does calm me down. You want to cut your bread into pieces like this, do you? Can you see? Do not ask me how to cut. Not anyway. Once you get your braids cut in me pieces, you want to put them on a plate or a napkin, however the hell you like to eat yours. And you want to take this bruschetta from Trader Joe’s, you wanna take their bruschetta sauce from Trader Joe’s and scoop a big helping on each individual piece because it’s delicious. I had a clip Where? I showed the top. But go in the store and ask somebody. Trader Joe’s people is nice if you marry. Anyway, if you’re married, here’s a tip for you. Take the crumbs from the cutting board with a little bit of sauce and give it to your husband. Give him that. You