Transformed by Grace: A Testimony of Faith and Redemption

Yo, good morning. Hope you are having a great positive day so far today gonna be an important day. Today I’m gonna get out my testimony now. God changed my life. I say growing up, it was like I had a relationship with him, but it wasn’t as deep as it should have been. It was more like a, when I was a kid, I would get in trouble where I need some guy, I will come praise him real fast. Like, guy, help me out. This. I promise I’ll do this. And then that was it. Like I would never come to him for nothing else. And that’s how I was from my whole childhood. And I said I had their relationship maybe up until my sophomore year at college, but it really all changed. My grandma gave me my first Bible, this Bible right here. And so basically in reading that, like little by little, basically what I would do before I went to class, I would just read one chat rabbit every morning, right? One little chapter in inbound, go to class. Sometimes I’ll come back and read more. But like that was literally I was doing for months, just read one chapter every day. And even I wasn’t really understand what I was reading. I was just like doing it just to, you know, just do it all the time. That was playing the season me. So keep rolling. What do you so I don’t make sense. So I’m doing this and then over time I just started like getting, you know, change a little bit. You know, my mind started to change a little bit about certain things and I wasn’t realizing it was the Bible. I’m just thinking I’m going through, you know, a character development or a new arker and like new aesthetic, all that’s what I was thinking in my head. Cuz I just didn’t know. Then he got to the point to where I feel like I needed to be in a church. Like I’m like, okay, I need to be somewhere. And I never forget, I used to see one of my friends, I’m a tiger down below, but her name Michaea. And like I see her post these scriptures from her church and at the time I’m like, I really like these. Like they’re really important.

And even now I’m still living in like in this world of saying like, at this time. I’m party and smoking, drinking, I’m doing everything under sign everything. You shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing. But I’m ever seeing like the scriptures you post from our church and I’m like, wow, like these are amazing. And it feels so inclusive. There was one scripture that I got me and it was a righteous man, I fall seven times, but the wicked fall by calami. And seeing that, it just, it did something me and I’m like, I need to go check this church out. Like I need to go see what it’s talking about. And so I went there to go check it out. And I just remember that church being like so full of life, so full of hope. And church I found was a Christ Church Apostolic in Apples, Indiana. And at the time, I live into your hope. So I’m driving an hour and a half every Sunday just to go to the church cuz I just felt so drawn to it. But while I’m there, I just get the best messages and I’m just realizing like the God let me so much for who I am, right? Feel me.

Cuz most of her people like that, I knew they was like judgmental. It could be like overly on it like, oh, you shouldn’t be doing this and shouldn’t be doing that. But at this church I have to do another that literally all I was, I just had like kind people around, you know, I had a pass shoes point into me and all these people who would just show me love and kindness and just a new way of living that I didn’t know about.

The more ministers, I’m just realizing that everything about life is just starting to get different. One day, I never forget, I was in my apartment and like, I basically started my first fast from smoking, like my first ever fast. And it was like five days. On the fifth day, I realized like I couldn’t do it no more. That everything that I had been like dealing with in my mind and my past and all these things that I was trying to like deal with, I just realized smoking little handling no more. Like that’s, that’s not and that was the first time I ever like, he just broke down in Jesus. Like, I just can do this no more. Like I can’t do this lifestyle on my own. I need you to come help me. I need you more than anything. And that was the first time I could ever remember, like, just feeling his love, feeling his hand on my shoulder, like, and just let me know that I was gonna be okay. So I’m like that as a feeling. Yeah, just you never forget.

Like, and I think that’s the first time I truly took him into my life, like as my Lord and my savior. Like I recognize his authority over me, but his love over me more than anything. That’s why I always aren’t to people, you know, we talking to people about God like, yes, he’s a sovereign authority or ruler, leader, all these things, but he’s a lover above all else. Like people wanna, why be so on fire for Jesus? And it’s like his love, if you knew how deep his love went for you, all my goodness, like it’s crazy. It’s limitless. His love is literally infinite for you, no matter what you do, no matter how far you are. As loves infinite polite, building all that and knowing that in that moment it was just too much of scrub. And so from that day on, like everything, your life had changed me. Then I went through a period of my life to where I had to give a lot of things up. I had to change a lot of things. How I was doing, gave up my apartment, gave up my job, gave up being on campus for my school, and I moved to Arizona.

Now, that story is the, another story within itself. But long story short, I was just trusting god with it all. This is at the point of my life to where it was just, I had a lot of pride for me, arrogance and cocky dislike only because I was just doing so much at a young age. And it felt like that in my mind, nobody was doing better than I was. So I’m like, who’s gonna try and check me or put me in place? So I was probably making anywhere from like 5 to 7 k a month. like I was just traveling. I was doing whatever I wanted to do. Like you really want to help me? Nothing. I was 19, young and dumb, and it was nobody else gonna tell me otherwise. When guy had me give all these things up, in, my job, my apartment, all these things and move and start over. It kind of just reminded me of who he was and like, once again, going back to his authority in my life. And I’m like, okay, give me, I trust you. You ain’t let me down this far. You know what? Like, I gotta trust you, you know, you see the vision, you see the future. I don’t. That’s why I’m leaving that. And that summer, I gave everything up.

It was a life altering summer cuz I realize how to maybe be an nicer person. I learn how to be kind. I learn how to not look at circumstances going through my life, look at the overall better picture. I learn how to truly admire the small things. Like I lie to become a kind, compassionate, nurturing man. I lie to become more of a man of God. I learn to be more, you know, still, you know, patient, you know, all these things that he’s put on my heart and been able to transform me into that man all stem from, you know, me just trusting on him and doing his job in my life.

And from now, summer, you know, my spark is just never left. Now, don’t get me wrong. Cuz then Toms, you know, where I’ve just, you know, mellow it out and maybe not been so on fire, but my fires never went out. I can truly say just through autumn moments, through autumn tough time moms and lessons and things that I had to learn, I could say he was truly with me through them all. And I’m not saying this stuff ain’t gonna happen to me. Why are you going through? Because stuff can’t go wrong. You won’t understand why things are happening. But God’s point is always gonna be a thousand times better than anything you complain. And if it’s one thing I want to take in this whole video, it’s the God forever has your best interest heart, that everything that he brings you through, it’s for a purpose. You feel me. It’s a reason that you can’t understand yet, but one day you will. He always has your best interest heart and that’s something that you just help me grow so much in him. So it’s also important to watch you hang around.

Why would you be wrong cuz on this whole journey, I lost a lot of friends. I lost a lot of close people I thought was my friends. I lost a lot, right? But I gained eternity. Feel me. Don’t matter what I lose on this earth. I can’t at all joy. It don’t matter what I lose because I’ve gained peace, I’ve gained Serenity, I’ve gained love, I’ve gain to hope. I gained a future.

I walk with the prince of peace, the kings of kings, where he is the lamb, I walk with him. So it don’t matter what I’ll lose on this earth. It don’t matter to me what I’m behind. It don’t matter what I’m missing. I don’t know that matter. I know where my eternity is gonna be at. I know who gave me a piece of this world can’t take no matter what happens in this life, no matter what happened, okay, nothing break my peace. And you can try and search it through all these things and hire enlightenment, but at the end of the day, it can only be Jesus. They can only be young, only.

So to anyone who watched the video this far, I will help you enjoyed it. This is my first time given the testimony on video. So I hope you enjoyed it. And one thing you can take away from it is just don’t let this world make you think you can walk. What I got cuz you can’t do it. You could try, but how much easier would it be to walk with Christ and let him take your birdie? Come to me all you are worry and burden. I will give you rest. Note that he can give you that risk. So on that note, God bless. Have an amazing day. Take it easy. Peace.