Review and Discussion: One of Us is Dead by Jeneva Rose – A Reality TV Inspired Mystery Thriller

this is me and Jeneva Rose and I read my fifth book by her which was one of us is dead this was our in person book club pick and I’m giving this a four out of five if you do not like reality TV you probably will not like this book this feels very Real Housewives of wherever you wanna insert it feels very much like that the reason for the loss of the Star is just some of the pacing in general I feel like there were some slower scenes I feel like it didn’t always flow properly you have a lot of perspectives in this book and I think that’s part of it is you are flipping perspective so much and not every person’s voice to me personally was extremely unique so it’s a little bit hard to follow along I always had to make sure I ended at a chapter so I would know who was going to be talking in the next chapter so four out of five stars there I love the drama I love the mystery I do think there was some predictability but I definitely did not predict everything you are following again these housewives plus their salon owner that they all go to Jenny is the salon owner you have Olivia Karen Shannon and Crystal that you also get perspectives of and they all kind of centre around this salon you know that one of them is dead and the book is trying to back pace to figure out who committed the unaliving and who is no longer alive very much like the fury as well where you know there’s a murder but you have to figure out who like carried out the murder and who was murdered it’s very much like that as well with this again Jenny is a salon owner you have four housewives Shannon is a divorcee Crystal is married to Shannon’s ex husband Olivia is just like the most awful person in the world if you don’t like mainly written characters either or like very well written villains don’t read this cause Olivia is absolutely terrible but I was absolutely living for it I thought she was absolutely ridiculous but it very much fit in this reality TVs world and then Karen is another housewife that pretty much has her head completely on her shoulders you do get some romance subplots in this I didn’t think they were the focus it was definitely more the secrets more of the thriller so overall it’s following those housewives put the salon owner figuring out who is being murdered and who carried out the murdering again four out of five stars I would definitely recommend this again if you have those particular tastes but if you don’t like reality TV at all if you don’t like villains and hearing their perspectives you’re probably not gonna like this book I can see why this book is not widely loved by everybody I think it does take more of a specific type of reader who like certain types of tropes to enjoy this book so just keep that in mind before picking it up but I would recommend it if you like reality TV and if you like reading from the villain’s perspective let me know if you read one of us’s dad I’m curious to see what other people thought