Unraveling the Mystery: The Arrest of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov.

The founder of Telegram being arrested this past weekend in France was a shock to a lot of people, because this man’s been a ghost for a lot of his life. He’s been impossible to find. That was until he got a girlfriend. And there’s a lot of reason to believe that the crypto girl, slash streamer, slash Instagram model is the reason behind Pavel Durov, who was pretty much a ghost. Nobody could find him, finally being arrested by a western nation. And why do western nations, such as France and whatnot, want Pavel Durov? These western nations will point out, oh, there’s a lot of legal stuff going on Telegram. He must pay for it. There’s a lot of illegal stuff that happens on every messaging platform. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you know, we could go on and on and on. But what Pavel doesn’t do is hand over Telegram data to authorities. In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Pavlov describes that the FBI, US congressman, others have contacted him trying to get Telegram data, but he refuses. He said whenever he went to the US, uh, there would be two FBI agents greeting him at the airport, asking questions immediately. But he would not fault. My mission in life was to allow other people to also become free. The entire basis of his platform is that this messaging platform is not controlled by governments. His refusal to work with authorities LED to his arrest, and they’ve wanted Him for a while. So he’s been very secretive and discreet about wherever he travels. This is referred online as OPSEC or OPSEC Operation Security. So how did the French authorities find him? Has a lot to do with this woman behind me. Julie Maltic. Uh, she lives in Dubai. She’s a streamer, gaming crypto. Languages and mindset. English, Russian, Spanish or Arabic. She was with Pavel when he was arrested. And before that, she was documenting everything. When they were on a trip, Yuli continued to post, um, everywhere. Where they were, when they were there, not after, but when they were there. Self proclaimed crypto coach was with him. It was very clear. Um, during his trips to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. And as per Jane, she shared that they were at the Four Seasons together in Baku. They were together in Uzbekistan. Um, as you can see, this is Pavel’s post, um, and then this is hers. You could put these two together and see that they were pretty clearly together. For the first time in June, they were seen together. And when they were seen together, people started to piece things together. And I would assume authorities, um, started to take a look at her Instagram, telegram, what? Not while they’re in Baku, Azerbaijan. Um, she was posting the. This helicopter, and you can see the helicopter number on the side there, the tail number. And from here, you can really start to piece things together. Typically Pavel could just fly in to Paris. He would have someone, um, probably protect him. Pay off people here, pay off people there. And then you get into Paris, and then from there. I mean, it’s. It’s easy. This guy’s a ghost. He’s. He’s, you know, an expert at this. But that was until his girlfriend Yuli came along, and Pavel was found. And now he’s facing multiple charges. And who knows what will happen to Telegram man? Being torn down by somebody that he loves. A tale as old as time. So be careful out there, folks. Now, you’re probably not as wanted as Pavel, but when you go to places, take a photo and post it after you leave, okay?