Revolutionizing Party Restrictions in Smite 2: A New Approach to Ranked Gameplay

We’re taking some big swings at changing up the party restrictions going into smite 2. You can queue for ranked in a party of size 1, 2, 3, or 5, but the only party size that’s restricted from ranked being party size 4. If you queue as a solo player for smite 2 ranked, we will place you into match with only other solo queue players. If you queue in a party of size 2, 3, or 5, we will place you into a match with other parties. Solo queue players get the best possible experience when they’re playing with other solo queue players. And if you’re playing in a party, you’ll be placed into a match with other players that also have the same innate communication advantage as you. To start off in smite 2, there will be no restrictions on which ranks can group together in a party to enter into rank. We want to make it possible so that players of all skill levels can play with any of their friends. And we don’t know which spread of ranks creates an unfavorable match in Smite 2, so we’ll collect the data and if there needs to be a restriction in the future, we will implement that.