Epic Mexico Wedding Weekend: From Bridesmaid Duties to Club Kennedy and Chelsea

So if you’ve been here a while, then you might remember how almost two years ago, I traveled to Houston to watch one of my closest girls get engaged. Well, this weekend was the wedding. It was in Tulum, and it was an absolute movie because that’s always how Mexico weddings are. I got in Friday, and while I would have loved to rage and party all night, I know I couldn’t, cause Saturday I had to be up. I was a bridesmaid. You see how I took my behind to bed? I’m very mindful. I’m very considerate of the bride and our call times. So when the big day came, I was up and ready to serve. Okay, uh, there were shots everywhere. That is the thing about Mexico. Now, the thing about me, though, is I don’t take shots. So every shot was either for the vibe and then got tossed over my shoulder or we sat it right back down. I don’t know, y’all. I hit a certain age and my stomach could no longer do it. Anyway, back to the wedding. So I wanna say that there were 11 bridesmaids. Our girl looked absolutely beautiful. Of course, we had to get into photos, and then we changed. Shout out to the brides that pick dresses that can be repurposed the way that I am getting this dress altered because it is so cute short. Oh, yes. And we did do the fan bouquet trick because y’all It was so hot. Anyway, it all looked beautiful, especially the green on our skin. And for those of y’all who don’t know, I am a kitchen beautician. I can do it all. So, yes, I got my girl together. We did our first look. And look at this dress. She traveled to Nigeria to get all of her dresses made. They are one of a kind, and they are absolutely stunning. The ceremony kicked off. Yes, I did cry because she walked down the aisle to Snow Allegro. It was something about seeing her, plus the combination of the. I just. I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t take it. Her and my brother looked absolutely fantastic. I’m so happy for them. As I said in the video previously, well, two years ago. They met when we were 15, y’all. She literally came into seventh period and was like, I met a guy. And I was like, what kind of guy? And here we are. There was the most beautiful breeze outside. It was as if the weather was made for us for the reception. And then it turned into Club Kennedy and Chelsea, as it was endearingly called. Even the aunties had to hit the dance floor, baby, because we were having an absolute time. The second entrance, they had this beautiful lady on still. She was getting into sexy red. And that was it. My girl is married, and we had a blast. Okay.