Unhinged Monkeys and Lashes: A Wild Ride Through a Troubling Encounter

Wait, she. She getting her lashes done? Look, I know a lot of people don’t agree with our lashes. Y’all roasting us, baby. You gonna roast us, baby? She had pink eyeshadow. You do not go to a lash. I don’t wanna hear anybody saying shit. They did not clean. They did not clean our lashes. Her lash. Her lash. Lady must hate her. Did not clean the area and lashed her and then lashes I don’t need. There was so much wrong with this. Like, I’m so upset for these animals. They had to come in and, like, put them asleep for. Make them go night, night, you know, give them a little bit of juice to knock out when they came to get the monkeys. And what about when she brings the guy down there, and the chimpanzee is, like, flipping out, and she’s like, yeah, I don’t trust that one. I can’t go in there. As she’s, like, locking it. These monkeys have gotten out before. They escaped. He went on a little joy ride. He tried to steal someone’s car. Try yank that one. HBO, HBO possess me with series they do. They always get the most unhinged ones. I hope that it ends with all the monkeys being in the environment that they are supposed to be in and living their best life. Free. She probably got in here feed. Feeding. Chicken nuggets and French fries and Powerade cupcake. Could you imagine the shit on That guy. His shits must be