Analysis of Misguided Thinking and Counter-Narrative Among Netizens: A Discussion on Law Enforcement and Public Perception

You guys aren’t too the view and you’re not too mindful happy news pkpu official election enacted the contents follow the decision of the Court well now I want to talk about something different. I want to discuss the counter narrative and error in thinking which is in netizens-netizens we are now which is the matter of the law or the seizure of assets let’s go take a look they said if the people who took to the streets yesterday about the election law why aren’t you even escorted the matter of the draft asset seizure law they said I even read the comments One person has no respect for Andovi. ready please escort the asset seizure law just like you guarding age rules need elections if there is a demo I’m ready to come without getting paid first ready bro respect 2nd let’s breakdown misguided thinking who are in the netizens-netizens now who use arguments why didn’t you start not very cute anyway not very mindful Let’s break it out the first comment has the assumption that the cave not precisely the cave Lost potential to get a job because it’s considered radioactive and considered hmm not brand friendly that’s why you guys realize There are so many artists who don’t want to go down the road. how come a lot of content creators don’t want to go down demo Yes, because they have potential. for lost jobs and DANA into their lives so first your assumption that I got paid wrong not very demir not very artsy not very mindful and cute anyway I mean one 2nd assumption statement was impressed or make up a mind if people only took to the streets for the election laws and just for that alone because it brings importance to them and didn’t participate care about other things like the draft asset seizure act that’s called heresy think I don’t know think use f or p I’m sorry but the point is karena we’ll take to the streets to guard dpr in the law of elections or doesn’t mean we don’t care on the draft asset breathing law hah why is that why the hell we going down the Street in fact we go down the Street why dpr our beloved that after the decision of the Court why after the decision of the Court dpr can really go to meetings and directly by the law of elections in tutoring and twenty four hours hmm is there any interest certain interests may be but let’s get back to the draft law how much is one result even in yesterday’s cave video that you guys watched when the cave in front of the dpr building I’m talking too. here’s the video now we are again in front of the dpr building we’re gonna be communicating the latest with the struggle agenda together on behalf of the people of Indonesia this morning I got WhatsApp from an unknown number. please come to the office immediately you are prayed for as spreading calls for violence and rallies No one invites violence, right? we are here proud of dpr because they can meet quickly the meeting was so fast one day tidying up Monday is not scheduled. there’s an asset forfeiture law there really is a law What else can they meet quickly? bang jali what else invite the invitation the laws of indigenous peoples aja 15 + years 15 years well this is the constitutional court uh August 21, 22 direct meeting Because it is more important. That’s right. his meeting really fast ya sis ari yeah the meeting was really fast top dpr I’m proud of you guys work harder Monday meeting of asset seizure laws what legislation indigenous peoples back again great wow crazy cool you guys Peter who threatened me yesterday. in that video obviously I’m talking why dpr can meet so fast if it’s for the electoral law and not for a draft asset forfeiture act and draft legislation indigenous peoples understand no these are three things that are equally important indigenous peoples asset seizure and the election laws What we question is is there an interest behind it from dpr which allows them to meeting that fast to meet and discuss the election laws That’s what’s questionable. so for those who talk how come you are the law of elections not the law each Your brains are not very denyur not very mindful forgive my writing well this means does not mean if we don’t guard other laws Doesn’t mean we don’t care about the law. and you guys please research themselves about how much people care and have voiced about the draft asset seizure act oh including the cave presence of banana in deliberation own research so counter narrative from the buzzer buzzer uh sorry I can’t assume that You see, I don’t assume that How can you assume that to me? the point guys for all of you who are considered escort asset seizure ruu yeah just like you guys escort uu bilqada yes If you think this is a good argument wrong this is This is an argument that is not very demure. not very artsy not very mindful I know that’s not the meaning I think I was wrong but it’s okay so once again as you can see in my video in front of the dpr building I also question to our beloved dpr members let’s if you can meet for the election law too dong can meeting for asset seizure laws that’s us why we go down the Street Not because we don’t care about design. other laws that are important but questioning why for certain draft laws dpr can move quickly but for other draft laws dpr no this fast fast My definition apa pun yang terjadi. for the sake of not playing too much