The Wealth Tax Anthem: Defending Progressive Policies & Mambo Mania

This person is mad because I said to tax the wealthy. It’s my No. 1 hit. Of course, I use the wrong your. But here’s the thing, taxing the wealthy is an effective policy that is also incredibly popular. The only people who don’t like it are the wealthy. So yeah, it’s a pretty popular policy. And it’s one of the fundamental underpinnings of socialism, that the disproportionately wealthy and powerful pay a higher share. I mean, that’s perfectly reasonable. They have a larger share to pay from. But also, why are you complaining about me playing my No. 1 hit? Like, do you go to a Lou Bagger concert, listen to mambos 1 through four and then leave? Like, do you think I’m gonna come up with new material? Like, taxing the wealthy is old and tired. Let’s tax the poor. No, good policy is timeless. Good ideas are timeless. Like taxing the wealthy will remain as good an idea tomorrow as it is today. If you want me to shut up about it, maybe we should just, I don’t know, tax the wealthy seems like an easy way to get me to stop. Then I can get back to work on my secret project, Mambo No. 6. It’s one Mambo more. So much Mambo.