Exploring Hawthorn Lager: A Day at the Pub with Jeremy and Friends

So, as the lovely people in there said, this is Jeremy’s favourite lager. Premium Hawthorn lager. You tried this, boys? You had a. Yeah, very good. Very floral floor. Oh, god, he’s beer review club over. No, it’s not gonna be cold. But you worked in a bar before, man. What? You worked in a bar? It got a bit aggressive half way through and I didn’t react like an ice cream, man. Wow. You can have a spoon if you’re for this. No, I know you. Oh, hey. How are you? TikTok in it? Yeah. There we go. Yeah, man, I’m good. Doing a bit. Oh, yeah, sure. Go on. I didn’t really need to do. You know what? Let’s just park that for another day. We’ll come back to that tomorrow. Yeah, we might be settled. Yeah, we got. Ha! What’s your name? Sorry? Jaden. Jaden. Where are you from, Jaden? Pontyfract. Pontyfract? Yeah, man. Wow. Oh, that’s good. Bit quite strong. Very tasty. Premium lager. It’s made me immediately wanna get you drunk. One sip, I’m off. Are we here up for the rest of the day, then? Yeah. Call the Albanians. Let’s go. Ha ha! Can you say that? Can you say that? It’s obviously a joke. It’s a lovely lager. Really nice. Very tasty. Very tasty. Well done. Nice to meet you, bro. You too, bro. Have a nice day. Thank you very much. Stay out of trouble. Hmm. Hawthorn Lager, 10 out of ten. The only thing we haven’t seen is the pub. Let’s kind of have a try and get a bit of pub visual for you guys. Yeah. And see what’s going on. So there’s a four hour queue to get in, so I don’t think we’re gonna get in. It feels like a really big premises, that. It’s massive, isn’t it? A lot of grounds, like, huge, huge garden, this nice, uh, marquee for the riff raff that haven’t been able to get in like us. Yes. How’s that bit? Are you still going? There he is. I know, yeah. Give him beer to minors. Yeah. No, he is. I just packed my shant. You old enough, ain’t ya? Here’s the pub, bro. I think it. This is it, innit? Yeah, it’s lovely. So it’s um. Yeah. Can’t really see a lot from the outside, but that is the pub. It’s a lovely building. Get around the front maybe and just have a look at the front tree. We’re gonna just get a visual on it maybe. It’s not. Not really a lot you can see. There’s not a lot else we can do here, is there? Really? Not in the queue up, are we? So, no. We had a taste of Hawthorn, we had a lovely spot of food. Maybe we can come back another day, but it’s not so busy. Yeah. Yeah. Not on opening day. Yeah. The farmer’s dog though. What a lovely part of the world this. Is. Yeah, love it. Great to see so many people turn up for Jeremy as well. He’s a good guy. Good guy. He’s done a lot of good things. Let’s just go back and scrawl a few more beers, shall we? Jay, what’s going on? What a dog. What’s happening? Which is. Get some of that lager. Do you want that? No, he’d have some. Go on. Big G. Big G. Look, do you want some of this? Look. No. What’s that? What’s that? Don’t give the dog lager. Hey, you have a sip. He would like that. Go on, then. Do you want some of this? Big G, how are you? Is it a high five? High five. Good job. Hello. What’s your name? Carter. Carter. You had a nice day? Yeah, it’s lovely, isn’t it? Have you been in be. Just got in here. Right, cool. We. We. We’re not gonna cure. We haven’t, um. We got it too late. Can you give us a rundown, what’s going on inside? It’s so pretty rustic vibes. Is it? Yeah. It’s got a tractor hanging from the ceiling. Of course it has. Tractor, yeah. Hanging from the ceiling. Yeah. Why not? Wow. Good. Nice inside, everyone. Yeah, it’s lovely inside. Really well done. I’m assuming they’re doing actual pub food as well as well, is it? Yeah, it’s two separate queues, so you can get food in a separate queue and then, uh, you sell out the back there and Then, uh, the main sort of pub bar area is right in the middle. Wicked. What an amazing turnout. Yeah. You had a nice day? Good. It’s been nothing for half of it. Oh, you’ve been sleeping. Been cute for over two hours. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. No, well, that’s alright. It’s camera shy. Yeah, for now. Yeah, for now. For now. It’ll come. See you later. See ya. Are you trying to get a dog drunk? Well, I’ve. Hmm. Maybe. There we go, everyone. I’ve had a lovely day today. It’s been a really relaxed, fun day. Obviously we were very lucky to get looked after in the food. We were recognized by the. The chef. Um, thanks to him, we made this actually. Probably made this video had some kind of substance to it. Uh, but I’ve got to come back. I can’t wait to come back. Love, Jeremy. What? All. Everything they’re doing is fantastic. The. The logo of the pub is incredible. Farmer’s dog. How incredible is that? Um, so good to see all these people out here supporting as well. Yeah. You go look at that. Yeah. Literally incredible. Beautiful. Hope you hope You enjoyed today’s video. If you have subscribe, get behind it. Let us know in the comments. Have you been here? You gonna come? Is it on your list? Here we go. Um, we’re back. And I love you lots.