Adventures at Comic Con: Unveiling Miracles and Marvels with Mel Smith

Welcome. Thank you for joining us on the empty side of the table. We just thought we share some incredible news. Well, this is quite incredible. It’s not what we were going to share. This was gifted to us by a beautiful person who went on a trip to Oregon and brought this back with him.

I do love crows, but I’ll collect them and put them up around the house. Of course, that’s not close. And I’m sure I’ve showed this off before. We just recently put up these paper Crowes.

And over there, we’ve got this amazing hotel of crows and the character, of course. And she’s given us quite a lot. She really indulges us in our collections that pictures from now. Hello. Crazy. That sensor right there.

But on with the news. Our amazing friend, Mel Smith. Amazingly creative friend, amazing drama and writer, a. He’s received the Eisenhower of one of his comic books. And when we first met him, like we didn’t even meet him face to face, friend at work, not a person we talk to.

A Mark. Kind of said, yeah, work with this cool guy and he wants to Comic Con about knowing anything about me, who I am. You know, calls me out, says, hey, you wanna go to Comic Con? And he needed to ride then. So of course I’m getting a comic on free like him and ride brilliant. That was almost probably over 10 years ago. And he recently confirmed that he will yet again get us into Comic Con. I’ve constantly been under the belief that amazing things and miracles happen there, and they always have.

Now we have. I’ve always had incredible time. I was getting a bit concerned, not that I wouldn’t be attending. I just recently found out, like yesterday. My concern was hotels. So when he got back to me, he’s like, yeah, got the passes, was able to find a hotel, really great hotel. I’ll try to do a video of it, but I’m quite lucky and excited. I’m in constant awe of his generosity and kindness. Again, his name is Mel Smith. He does a rock and roll comic books and me. His title is getting a lot of buzz. It’s called Becoming Frankenstein. Yes. He’s also going to have a panel. I’m coming on with west craving, I believe, because it’s a horror panel. I don’t know the name of the actual panel hasn’t been announced yet because he knows these things before public. Once I find out, I’ll do a video on it. Maybe I’ll do a video of the panel itself if it’s allowed. I’m hoping there’s a panel for the new Batman animated series on Amazon. I know in the past, quite often anything DC animated related, they’ll premiere it. I come see quite a few things before public. So essentially this is a video just expressing our gratitude. We’ve been quite lucky and fortunate. This is my new means of flanks and I look forward to sharing the experience.

I’ll try to take a few videos on the floor, some panels and things like that. I’ve got some preparations to do. And now I still essentially have a month, but a lot to be prepared. I’ve done quite a few videos on how to prepare for Comic Con on the Youtubes. Might have done one on this platform.

I know last year we put together a bunch of snack packs of candy and things put in plastic bags and we just passed them out on the floor to a lot of vendors and things like that. And it was nice.

I like being nice. I like giving things to people. And in general, a lot of them are just as nice back. I forgot, you know, a free thing at you. So the vendor gives us, okay, you want this? I didn’t do it for that, but it’s quite nice and I’m planning on doing that again.

So at some point, we go to one of those warehouse clubs and pick up a box of and candy bars or something like that. Let’s get packages pass out to people because those people are sitting behind the table dealing with countless amounts of people. And a lot of times, you know, those people are just, they’ve been there all week, too. They’re grouchy, there’s not enough room, whatever, things like that. And there’s a lot of times too, where the vendors can be just as groushy cuz they’ve been putting up with that the whole time. And to just become my thing to, you know, go, hey, how are you? Can I get you something? Would you like a coffee or some water, something like that. And, you know, that kindness is usually we’re paid. If it’s not, no big deal. I feel good we’re doing something for them, making the day a little bit easier.

And as I said, I’m under the idea that miracles and great things happen at the Comic Con. They always have. Perhaps it’s because of how I approach these things, but we have, we’re constantly in all of our experiences there and that we keep coming back. It’s quite amazing. I don’t wanna say it’s a second home, but it’s, it is something like that remain. You know, you go there and it’s just thousands and thousands people, unless you go with a group or a crew or you’re meeting people there, you know, just gonna bump around by yourself, which I don’t mind at all. I have met someone quite incredible people there. Some of them proceed to recognize us every year. I’m also quite grateful for, there’s a few exclusives that have dropped. The one that I’ve seen that I might pick up is they are Gulia Yelps exclusive from Monster High. She is dressed up like a favorite superhero dead fast. Coincidentally, the first year, the very first year that monster I was there, their exclusive was a Gullia Yelp stole dressed as her favorite superhero like she was going to Comic Con. And this is before Comic Con got too crazy. So I was able to stand alone, pick it up, no problem. And they had the creators a couple days later. So I got it signed. And that was pretty much the very first exclusive I ever picked up a comic.

I have tons of memories of that place. I’m quite lucky and I look forward to making more, but I just thought I’d share this amazing news. I look forward to hopefully getting a few videos and sharing him also. Thank you. Stay healthy. Always be kind. And we’ll see at Comic Con.