Reflections on the Hundred Dollar Week Challenge: Embracing Cash and Resetting Spending Behavior

it’s day 7 the last day of the Hundred Dollar Week Challenge and this is how much money I have left it’s actually a couple days after um but I’m sick as you can probably hear um but I left with $50 from that week and I I loved it I loved having the budget for the week I loved having cash like I loved paying with cash it was interesting because like I was working on a more limited scale but because I was paying with cash I felt more I felt richer like I felt cool like paying with cash and I think that money and your spending behavior has so much to do with how you like manage your finances and how so much to do with your financial success and so this was all meant to reset my spending behavior because I got very used to card swiping I’m just used to the ease of like pressing Apple Pay and things like that and so this I think was very very helpful and having the cash actually felt made me feel more empowered and I didn’t feel restricted it felt like oh like what do I want to spend my cash on and what who am I going to like gift this to like who has the honor of getting this and so I’m just gonna kind of keep using cash for now like I really really like this it also obviously obviously makes you spend a lot less um but I’m going to do a whole other video recounting some of like the strategies I used um like what did I do what I did wanna shop um yeah and about all about the hundred dollar week challenge if you have any questions let me know I’m gonna do that when I don’t sound like sticky shoes