Title: Justice Served: Pennsylvania Parents Sentenced for Neglecting Seven Children

mom of seven was brushing her lizard’s teeth on TikTok with a toothbrush and yet none of her seven children own toothbrushes and they were all st*rving to d**th this is Shane and Crystal Robertson who were just handed prison sentences in Pennsylvania they have seven children in total their ages ranging between 4 and 16 years old and they had their children living in this tiny cramped trailer the chain Crystal didn’t even bother to try to make the trailer livable it was covered in garbage and m*ld overall a very h*zard**s place to live now none of the seven children had any formal education and six of them were clinically m*ln++rished of them tested positive for C0V*D 19 two of them had low kidney function three of them had fevers and several of them had very poor eyesight these poor children were deprived of even knowing their birthdays and going back to the parents they actually had several animals living in that trailer but the animals were treated far better than the children one of the primary differences aside from just being loved and cared for is that the animals this lizard included got fed this lizard got salmon on TikTok Crystal had an entire page just dedicated to caring for this lizard now they’re each going to prison for the next eight to 16 years and they’re not allowed to have any contact with their children until their children turn 18 even when they turn 18 that’s only if they get permission from a court appointed therapist