Making the Best Decision: Dropping a Fourth A Level in College

The best decision I made in college was dropping my 4th A level and only doing three A levels now. Initially, the reason I started off with 4 was because I wasn’t sure what route I wanted to go down in university. I always wanted to do dentistry, but I wasn’t sure if I’ll be able to. So the four I started off with were maths, physics, chem and bio. This pretty much let me do any degree at university, so I’ll take on the subjects, see how I feel about them and then decide. Now at the start of year 7, I wasn’t sure if I was actually gonna sit for AS subjects or not, but I start off with four now. The issue of having four is that at college, one hour of my day was spent on physics instead of a free period where I could be revising. And then at home I’ll have to revise extra or take time away from my other revision to focus on physics. As well. As you can tell, the subject I dropped was physics. This is because the career I wanted to go down just didn’t include physics. I don’t need to do physics and I had to do chem and bio dentistry. Between maths and physics, maths was my better subject. I found chemistry A level very hard at as it was a very hard exam, the topics were hard and like the highest grade in my class by The time I dropped out was a C. After dropping physics I improved in maths, chem and bio, so dropping one subject helped me improve all my other subjects because I had more time to revise them and I had more free time so less chance of burnout. Now if you’re sitting A level chemistry or biology, I’m selling pre made flashcards and cheat sheets with the link in my bio or in my Instagram bio at studyplate dot co dot UK it’s on a sale until September and if you want there’s free samples as well so you can check out the samples. If you like it then you can buy them.