The Dogs of Bar Seven: A National Dog Day Celebration

It’s National Dog Day, so we’re gonna show you the dogs of the bar seven. Are you ready? Yep. Alright, here we go. Alright, this is Nala. She likes belly rubs. And Tanium goes nowhere without her. How about you say what kind of dog she is? She’s a weenie dog. A dachshund. How old is Nala? What do you think? Like three? She’s like three years old. Okay. This is Izzy. She’s an Australian Shepherd and she loves to be petted. If you come over here and you pet her, she’s not gonna leave you alone cause she’s gonna follow you around, be your best friend. Right? Alright, moving down the line. Alright, this is fatty. I mean pepper. Come here, pepper. Stand up. She’s like. I’m just fine. Izzy, move. She’s a mini Aussie. This is Clancy’s dog. And she’s. She’s kind of the grouch of the group, right? Don’t you think? I guess she doesn’t always play with everybody. She was probably the grouch of the group. Oh yeah. She’s the oldest, then Izzy, then weenie dog Nala. Let’s go find the sheep dogs. Cagney. This is where Cagney sleeps during the day. This is Caggers. She’s our sheep dog. She is two years old, I think. And she’s the one that just had the puppies. Amos, come here. Amos, what are you doing? This is Amos, who still needs a home. He’s still living his best life on the bar 7. This where he sleeps all Day see? Let’s go find Shiba. Where’s Shiba? So we have Cagney and Shiba. They are our sheep livestock guardian dogs. And Shiba sleeps under the car usually during the daytime, but they work all night. So they kind of stay up here and sleep during the daytime. And that’s the bar seven dog. Show us your dogs. Y’all keep ranching, keep ranching. You gotta have a dog for you. Oh, keep barking. How about that? Is that better? Is that good enough for you? Yeah. Look who just showed up now. Late to the party. Here’s Shiba. Hey, Shiba! Here’s Shiba. She is probably a year or two older than Cagney. And she’s actually Cagney’s aunt. They are akbash is the breed of livestock guardian dogs that they are. So they’re kind of long and lanky and have kind of a more wiry hair than a Pyrenees. Alright, that’s it. Keep barking