Facial Hair Transformation: From Electrolysis Struggles to Laser Success for PCOS

It’s time for a facial hair update with the PCL is baddie. For reference, this was my face. Yes, jump scare. We now PCOS is a hub. Now. Here’s a rundown. I did electrolysis for 7 years. It did not work like ever. And this is what’s advertise as the only permanent solution to PCOS, facial hair, right? My only quarrels with it is that it takes a really long time to do because it’s like Follicle, Bifollicle here I’ll show you all that work for one hair. So what would happen is I would get like a, let’s say an hour, they would do maybe like a small patch and then the rest of the hair wouldn’t be able to get done that day because there’s only so much that you can do in one session.

It is also extremely painful. I have like ton of tattoos, like my whole bag, my sides, everything. I have a pretty high pain tolerance. That is very painful. But I did it for that long because I really thought that if I just kept with it, it was gonna work. I was doing about two hours a week, every single week. And I did it for two years straight. And before that, I had done it like for five years or so on and off. It just never fully worked for me. I never once saw all the hair go away, ever.

Now, I just wanted to say that because people are was like, no, you really need to give a chance to try. I gave it my best. I spent thousands of dollars and countless hours and it left me severely scar like this. It’s sideways, but I had all of these scars everywhere, hyperpigmentation, like crazy ingroms. I crazy, all kinds of scars everywhere. And it took like a good almost two years to clear my face to what it is now.

I started laser at Sherak Cosmetics. They had the Alexandra Modus laser. And this laser changed my life. Like truly, I had done laser a decade ago before I ever tried electrolysis. And that laser actually caused more hair growth. So you really do gotta be careful and do your research. Also, this was way before Laser Places even really knew a lot about what PCOS was, that it’s a hormonal issue that you kind of really have to also be working on your hormones at the same time that you’re working on your laser.

I started my facial hair laser journey at the beginning of last year and I started going like every two weeks. Then after about three or four months, I moved to like once a month and then now I’m up to like about three months where there’s basically no hair coming in at all. There’s no follicles anywhere. The hair is very vellus like this. I’ll show you like what it looked like 2 days ago before my appointment. Like you virtually cannot see it. And basically, what I have come to find out is that laser is an amazing thing that you can do for yourself a few times a year to keep the crazy like really thick molecule, whatever here at bay. I look at it as PCOS is a thing that you’re always gonna have to deal with. Just like I upkeep my eyebrows, I upkeep my nails, I upkeep everything ever so often. The same way with laser. I will go weeks without having to shave my face whatsoever. And when a desert coming in like around like two and a half month to three month Mark, it’s so vellous, it’s so thin and it has severely changed my life. I’m talking, I don’t have to worry about being embarrassed because people, we can see, you know, all the dark little dots from like the hair poking through. I was shaving every day, sometimes twice a day, cuz by the end of the night, I was already having hair coming through, poking through my makeup and stuff. So I will take having to go get laser every 3 months and hopefully it’ll move to longer and longer. I know some people only get one or two touch UPS a year, so you just have to be really diligent that first year. But I think it’s a great investment for yourself. I think it’s a great thing to upkeep with cuz it gives you peace of mind for the majority of the year. And at the end of the day, like I said, like you shave your pubic area, your legs, whatever, and you have to upkeep with that. It’s the same with the hair. So I would just get laser and just not even worry about it anymore. So that’s where I’m at with it.

I absolutely love my laser experience. I highly recommend it to anyone. Just give it a try if you’ve done electrolysis and it didn’t work for you, maybe try this. Also work on your hormones at the same time. Y’all know I’ve been on GLP ones, weight loss injections for the past year also, and I’ve lost 40 pounds. So I think also that has a lot to do with it. But before I was even on the shots, I was already on my laser journey and I had already seen a big difference like those first like three or four months. So that’s the update y’all.