Lost in Illusion: The Vanishing Family Tragedy

if you say ‘but I have a family’ I say ‘no you don’t’ then you say ‘yeah ‘I have a wife and 2 kids’ and I say ‘call them ‘call them on the phone ‘call them on the phone right now’ and then you call them only they don’t pick up no one picks up all you hear is ‘the number you have dialled ‘is not in service’ and then you look at me confused and I say again ‘you have no family ‘you never had a family ‘we have wiped ‘all trace of ‘from existence ‘it’s not LIKE ‘they never existed ‘because they NEVER existed ‘WE are your only family and we work hard so we play hard hey hey hey tell him about that volleyball game that we played at the last retreat oh man—