Ending Corruption: Electing Public Officials Directly

The election of judges and magistrates must be voted on because of corruption. Well then after seeing what happens with Manuel Bartlett with Rocío Nale with Valle with Delfina with Ana Guevara etc. Well, why don’t we think about the possibility of giving the people the right to elect secretaries of state to put an end to corruption. Wow incongruity with what they say we should be consistent, they say that there is nepotism and yes it is true there is, I just ask them to tell and investigate how many relatives a former secretary of the Interior has, the judiciary at this time a López, by the way, but let’s talk about nepotism and influence in power in the executive branch, Romero Oropeza has 11, 11 members in the government, Adán Augusto López 4, Pablo has 6, Luisa. María 9 Mario Delgado 6 René Bejarano 7 and if you want I follow you and let’s not talk about Mrs. Tadei who is over 14 that is nepotism not in the strict criminal sense because it is not a crime that is influentialism and that is what they are complaining about here in the judiciary solution let’s send public officials to election directly as they intend to do with the judges do not be incongruent.