Search and Rescue Continues: Updates on Day 4 of Sahar Operation

Day 4 of the Sahar search and rescue operation. The female victim who fell in the landslide incident. on the road of the Indian mosque but according to the Dawangi District Police Chief, ACP Sulizmi Apandi Sulaiman So far the authorities. Still haven’t found any clues. Victim’s position umma’s colleague Fatih Ramayah is currently at the scene. What can be shared at this time? Umma please. All right, Irfan. At the moment I am still in the studio. The location of the victim is estimated to be here. aa 50m from I was standing about 50m from the scene. dan has entered the 4th day or is more than 81 hours old. Search and rescue operations for seed victims. Lhmi is 48 years old. still going on The result so far is still negative. There is no positive sign. To find prey. As of this hour. and just now there was also an Akbar or press conference. The conference aa made by aa dauwangi district police chief commission assistant Su Su lizmi Affendi Sulaiman, where is he just now? Tell the search and rescue team so far. Now using the technique. aa jetting which is pressurized spray aa high water where is the sewage hole? near Wisma Yakin aa, which is about 50m from the scene of the incident. What technique is used? Where is this technique used after validation? Or a surgery? aa operation team and aa search and rescue The victim sent a camera. The kerola moves into the channel. aa formation at nearby guesthouses aa at The location is close to the scene. which is the manhole in Wisma Yakin and aa within 4m The legal team detected a piece of rock. Or a hard object. What camera is this iwkwk using? aa can actually move as deep as 100 aa How many meters from one hole to another? and so on. aa this jetting is used to solve aa fragments of stones or hard objects where when the object is broken It is already clear where the water is. so the water is easy to flow aa to the aa area outside of aa aa this manhole anywhere, any object, or including a body. A human being will pass an object himself. aa passed the hallway. And so far. Only 1 aa jetting was used. Where is it after clearance? search operation and Rescue the victims. Where is the manhole near Wisma Yakit? so it will be used in other pools. That’s what the district police chief said. Ah, just now. And we also have questions about The flashing technique used before. where he told aa that technique aa continues to be used in all 10 A lot has been identified so far. and every time the flash activity is done Monitoring Team Member will monitor in each aa manual so that there is no aa any object out of sight aa Dealer and aa. Let’s listen first. What the Police Chief Said Dawangi area just now. press conference please So far we are focusing on aa. manhole in guesthouse sure Why do I say because? Ah, last night. This morning we used the camera. Yes, Kroller. What is the camera? he will move in the sewer we put in the sewer a manhole in In front of the guesthouse. in a distance of approx. 4m, we see debris. aa objects in the form of hard bricks so this morning and continuously we used the technique Ah, this is for us to solve. a piece of this object so that when it breaks the water will go down and beat Any object included. The human body. will pass the object that holds the water and aa just now aa the chief executive officer of iwk narin drenmanium in the same press conference Inform 4 times the technique. The jetting was used at a nearby location. with manhole aa at the nearby manhole aa Wisma sure Where? 3 times the technique was used in the morning and 1 time. aa once used in the afternoon But… The length of time depends on the size. Shards or Irfan objects. Yes, Umar may be able to share it too. Is there any movement? Especially kids. to Solar victims 26 years that we reported during These 4 days have been waiting faithfully. Operation to find his mother’s body. Is there any communication between Umar and Suria? Yes, just now I had time to talk to you. Suria’s victim’s son just now. and aa her emotional state aa quite calm and Stable compared to the first day. I was the only one who had time. to ask some questions including aa whether he can speak Timel or not aa because before this it was understood that he could only do it. speaking in the language of the ear And he said a little. aa and aa I looked at his movements. or the look on his own face. It makes him calmer. and only aa we have aa limitations to talk to family members of the victim. aa for unavoidable reasons Maybe in terms of fear. It will be reported in the media and so on. and so far I also understand that 5 members of the victim’s family including husband aa Surya and also aa The victim’s sister has also given a statement. and I’m sure Although I didn’t get much. Chat with Surya. Just now. dan through or according to Surya’s face also I can read that he expected Seeing his mother’s face for the last time. Ah, Irfan Diana. If I could just share a little, Deputy, please. Deputy police chief aa Kuala Lumpur Datuk Azri Akmal Ayub too Ah, I came to inspect the location at about 5.00. 4aa 540 pm just now. But there is nothing. A press conference was held by him. and I’m sure maybe He will come again tomorrow. or the head of the Kuala Lumpur police chief himself. going down to break this area tomorrow and if I may say Hello, if I can share what happened? aa so far in aa in aa locations around me Today there are more than 100 sandbags. Placed in the area. aa in the back aa. Ah, behind me, where is the location of the incident? and I also understand sand plastic bag This sandbag is placed To prevent movement. water, especially when it rains heavily. If we look at it today or this morning, It’s raining all around. This causes the water. enter aa in aa hole hole or aa in the manhole in aa behind me This is an area where the incident took place and makes it difficult. Search and rescue operation, sir. Uma, maybe you can explain. A little bit of what happened there. because it is based on visuals that are hit by secrets. and team at noon There are still many people in the area. But different from the current situation. Can you explain what is happening now? Is the operation still in progress? Yesterday lasted until 2 am. Who is around now? OK, uma. Well, we’ll bring it. Joint development with UMA over time. but for now we understand that the situation The operation will continue. especially for chatting and also Meeting between Uma and Surya. which is one of the developments The progress we bring to the circle. What’s to come?