Domestic Chaos: A Comedic Day in the Life

Ugh! Ahh! Son of a. I’m pinching and lifting. Ugh! Oh, hey, if you’re making coffee, I’ll have a. Whoa. Kind of a mess in here. It’s fine. Everything is fine. I’m happy and in love. Damn it, Brian, did you leave the doggy gate open? No, no, no. Stop it, peppy. You’re allergic to Frankie’s food. Malcolm, stop humping your brother. Backseat outside. Babe, can you give me a hand moving my furniture all around the room until I find a place I like for it? Kind of in the middle of something, babe. Ah, the 7 hour itch. Shut up, Brian. Why don’t you go for a walk? no, no, no, no walk. No walk. No, no, we’re not going for a walk. Gotta stop saying walk. I said walk again and there again. Honey, I wanna make a stir fry tonight. Have we unpacked the wok? No, no. W O K, W O K. She said walk. She said walk. She said walk.