The Power of Faith: Living in the Presence of the Lord

good morning everybody I hope you are all having an extremely blessed and fruitful day today is truly a beautiful day man and we woke up god woke us up again he’s not done with us he’s not done with us and we get to experience another day and his love and his mercy take hard in that today now with all that being said I’ve got a question for you did you read your Bible today if not don’t worry I got you and if you did but you just wanna spend some extra time in the presence of the Lord today you’re obviously more than welcome and make sure you send this to a friend or to a family member that probably didn’t or that isn’t gonna read their Bible today because they need God’s message just like me and you and you might be the only chance they get to getting God’s Word today don’t miss that opportunity don’t miss it now with all that being said let’s get into today’s reading today we are gonna be reading in the book of John in chapter 14 reading verses 11 through fourteen um this is truly one of my favorite scriptures in the entire Bible I’m so glad the Holy Spirit has LED me to read this to you guys this morning and I know this is gonna be super beneficial to many of you because it’s super beneficial to me it reads believe me when I say that I am in the father and the father is in me or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves very truly I tell you whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing and they will do even greater things in these because I am going to the father and I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the father may be glorified in the son you may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it man before I even get into why this scripture is so powerful I need y’all to know who’s talking this is Jesus Christ talking the the one who said you may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it this is our this is Jesus Christ our Lord and savior who died for us who owes us nothing he owes us nothing him paying the price for our eternal lives was enough that that was enough we need nothing else his Grace is enough it is sufficient his bread is fulfilling he owes us nothing and here he said he said we will do even greater works than the ones he was doing while he was here on earth very truly I tell you whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the father I will do whatever you ask in my name for the person listening to me right now as you go out in this life stop placing so many limits on yourself so many of you have limited yourselves so much and it’s because your faith in Jesus is just not strong it’s not strong some of y’all don’t even know the father we serve bro god is your best friend when you are living life in accordance to his will you see a lot of people they read these scriptures and they think that okay whatever I ask in Jesus name will be mine and then they wonder why they don’t get it Jesus has made it very clear I will do whatever you ask in my name you may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it you have to start following god in accordance with his will man you gotta put off the ways of the world you have to stop living with the sinners living as the pagans have lived because that is why you have been so limited bro you’re living like the world and you’re expecting to be blessed and counted favorable in the eyes of god man god doesn’t get along with the world he’s made it very clear light and darkness agree on nothing man you gotta give away that lust to god you gotta give that lust to god you gotta give that anger to god you have to give that unforgiveness to god you have to get that idolization of things to god you read I mean you scroll on social media you scroll on your phone more than you ever get in your word you idolize all of these things in your life above god and you wonder why god can’t bless you with more god cannot bless you because if he blesses you with these things that you’ve been asking for you’re gonna start idolizing them over him and don’t say that you won’t because you already do it y’all god has to come first but I’m telling you right now that when you put god first in your life when you suffer for living righteously god is your best friend not only is he is he your best friend but he is the creator of everything and there is nothing that you cannot ask him for that will not be yours you want a wife or you want a husband one day that that is a servant of the of the Lord first that will be granted to you if you are living righteously you want that career that you’ve been wanting for so long that you’ve been striving and chasing for for so long and you don’t even know how it’s gonna be possible sometimes god can make a way when there wasn’t one because if there’s a will there’s a way and let me let me expand on that if there’s God’s will there’s a way because there is no will outside of god like I said man whatever you want in this life is yours but only when you’re living through Christ and only when you’re asking it in his name you see many of us were asking for things in the name of greed we want so many things in life because we’re greedy we’re materialistic many of us are asking for things out of lust we want certain things because we’re lustful many of us are asking for certain things out of idolization because we’re idolizing things of this world above god but when you can put god first when you can serve god first and you can put god above the money you can put god above the women the relationship the status when you can put god above your career when you can put god above everything in this life your friends your family everything when you can put him first above everything and when you’re willing to lose everything and keep him that’s when he’ll bless you with everything else I go around telling people every day I say god is all that I need everything else is just a bonus but you see many of you you place your need in all of these things of the world and you treat god as if he’s just a pull along or as or as if he’s a bonus no no no and you see that’s why god can’t bless you with more or that’s why god has to hold you in the spiritual warfare that you’re in or in the suffering that you’re in because he’s trying to make it very clear to you you are placing things in this life above me and until you run to me above all these other things I’m gonna keep you under servitude of those things many of you are suffering in life and you’re questioning god or you’re blaming god or you’re wondering why god isn’t elevating you and the reason that god isn’t moving you away from that and prospering you is because he’s letting you be under rulership of your god yeah yeah so that career that you’re chasing mindlessly and you’re grinded for and you’re grinded for and you’re not spending any time in your Bible or spending any time in prayer running to god yeah he’s letting that career be your god and guess what god is the only god the only true god all of these other gods are false and they’ll lead you to death and not only will they lead you to death they’ll never fulfill you you’ll chase them forever and you’ll never be fulfilled it’s because we all have a Jesus sized piece missing in us and you gotta go through him to feel it cause in the world it’ll never be filled the world tries to make it look like it can fill it for a moment but Jesus he’s eternal he’ll live on forever they thought they killed him he resurrected and you see when you go to god and you put god first the same world that’s counted you out the same world that thought you was dead they’ll see you resurrect right in front of them and it won’t be on anything that you did it won’t be on any of your strength it’ll be solely on what our father has done for us so understand today man anything that you want in this life is yours I don’t care how mind blowing and far away it may seem it’s yours if you just have faith in Christ and if you live for him you can’t live for the world and have anything you want no no no that’s not how that’s gonna work God’s not gonna allow that but if you can just put him first and you could be patient and you can pray all of these things in his name and ask him and request things in his name he’ll grant them to you this is Jesus talking this isn’t me I read it right out of the scripture but it’s gonna take you living through him and many people they’ll never do it many of us will never live for Jesus will live for our sins will live for the world will live for the approval of man will never live for the approval of god will never suffer in our flesh so that we can be spiritually lifted in our souls and in our spirits you know but for those of you who are serious about god for those of you who love the father continue to grow you know you’re not gonna be perfect but even when you you know I said this to someone last night you love god as much as your next decision so even when you fall short you love god if you get back up and you seek him harder and you remember that he’s forgiven you after you’ve repented now if you sin and then you turn away from god feeling ashamed or feeling like you’re not good enough you’re just continuing that cycle of not loving god he’s accepted you he’s called you he’s justified you and he’s glorified you and he said that he loves you so much that he made you a child of him and anything you ask in his name is yours but it’s got to be in his name all right I love you guys hope you all have an extremely blessed and fruitful day share this with a friend or a family member or someone who needs to know that Jesus has got him peace