Title: Charlie Bears Collection Update: Growing Obsession and Care Tips

Hi everybody, it’s been a little while since student update on my Charlie Back collection. So as of June 28th,2024, this is my collection. As you can see, it has grown considerably. Who circle moves to reach.

So this is with the next storage, my hell and then comes all the way down here. And guys, all the way up here to the top. I do. I did have three new bears come today. First one was Cyrus, which is the be it for play one, the kind today. And we’re at the top there. It’s the beautiful owl. I do have another one, but she is still in the dust bag because she’s actually a present. So I can’t reveal that one. But she’s beautiful and 99% of all my bears come from so realistic who are based on TikTok. They have a TikTok shop and it’s run by Chrissy and adult Lily. They also have a shop which is in Kent. They sell not just Charlie Bears, but they also sell realistic plush as well. See, as you can see, I’ve got a big elephant up there and then down here, I have the wonderful demanders, Texas Helen Cow and White Helen Cow. But majority of my bears are Charlie Bears. Think I’ve been collecting now since China. Ready to share and it’s become a big obsession. I’m not far off 50 bears. But yeah, if you mean to Charlie Bears or even plush a realistic flash, go and check them out. I always tag him in my videos. They offer an amazing shopping experience. Everything is really personal. And as you can see, I may be a little bit addicted. And yeah, I have expanded quite a lot. But also I don’t give you a tip. If you click Charlie Bears, as you know, they all come with their own tags. And if you shop with shop so realistic, all your Charlie Bears come with a tag protector like this. And they also come in one of these amazing DOS bags, which is all provided in the shopping experience. But I wanna give you a little tip. I personally don’t feed the tags on my bears. I keep them within the tag protectors. But then I have a special box which is starting time flow. But I keep them all in. It’s purely. So if you decide in years to come, you want to sell them on because you wanna change your collection, then it’s really important that they have the tags because that helps them keep their value or even exceeds their value. So yeah, that’s my little tip. Keep them in an airtight box away from the sun because obviously if you know, if they get sun to them only think that can cause fading. And same with your bears as well if you display them. What I do, a good tip is give them a very gentle, on a low heat, blow dry.

อัลไซด์อาร์ไซเวย์ลิสต์เสร็จพรรคใช่ไหม. Very little care kits, which comes with like a baby brush and a special cloth which you can clean their eyes with. So I take my bears down probably once a week. I am freshen them up. But yeah, so this is my collection. And no doubt by the time I do my next update, I would have been really needed more space. But anyway, thanks everyone for watching. And I will tag so realistic. So go and check the mail. And thanks everyone. Bye.