The Mystical Adventures of Kent Nelson and Doctor Fate: A Wally West Encounter

I’m Kent Nelson, by the way. No duh. Here is Wally. Well, Artemis, we’re up against an opponent with tremendous mystic power. Of course, that’s where the helmet would be, Mr. Nelson. No, bro, put the helmet on. What I need to do? Have faith in what you get. Explain. No, he’s actually dead. What the hell? I thought this was a kid show. They’re out here offing superheroes. Wally, we’re in trouble. Tell Kent we need Doctor Fate. Kid, you put that on, you may never get it off. Seriously, kid, how’d you get so bullheaded in 15 short years? But. But you’re. You’re. Yep. But don’t feel bad. Damn. He’s like, yeah, I’m dead. Let’s move on. Wait, does that mean that I’m. Ah. You’re alive, but your soul no longer controls your body. Dude, that’s pretty cool. The real Doctor Fate, one of them Lords of order I told you about. He’s the guy controlling your body now. Wanna watch?