Mesmer Time: Battling the Edgy Boss and Embracing the Abyssal Serpent in a Graceless World

And a Grace right here. Beautiful. I’m just trying to find anything that makes me go upwards. Let’s darken here. I don’t have a lantern or anything. So. Wait. Cutscene. It’s him. It’s Mesmer time. Oh, . I didn’t know. I figured he was in here, but I didn’t know if I was going the right.

That tarnish it seems mother would start truly lordship sanction in one soul.

Bereft of light. So good. He’s so edgy. It’s awesome. I assume he’s one of the harder bosses in the whole thing. My.

Purpose standeth unchanged. Those stripped of the Grace of gold, shallow meet.

Death. Okay. Yeah, but why, though? Can you explain it? But why though, in the embrace of messmas flame. Oh, he’s so fresh. I don’t care. Crazy with this.

Okay, hold on. Let me heal. Hold on. I didn’t even get the flask for anything. I didn’t know that this was a fight now.

Okay, bezel already. Hey, don’t let me first try you. I’m.

Not suffer, my lord. Devoid of light.

You’re too skinny, man. I don’t know to tell you. You gotta get your muscles up or some . No, mother, forgive me.

What does he do? Oh, he’s pulling it out. Okay. God, jiha clan type , I guess. Okay. We saw this part in the trailer.

Everyone knows your first attempt is always your best attempt out of the next 100. It’s just, it’s a staple in the soul. Okay.

Soon tarnished wilt thou be taken in the jaws of the abyssal.

Serpent, shone of light. That’s gotta be one of my favorite cutscenes.

Like this four. Oh my God, you know, oh, stagger. He said, I’m gonna actually first try his ass. I felt like I didn’t learn anything right there. I can’t imagine what summoning feels like. You don’t learn when you do that. Jump part two.