The Dangers of Methamphetamine Use: Why It Can Never Be Safe

So the question was presented to me, can meth use ever be used safely? Um, we know when it comes to street drugs, especially methamphetamine, no, it cannot be used safely when people are doing this stuff. You know, most people that get into meth, it’s not just a one time thing, where they just try it once and they don’t ever want to do it again. Yes, there are some that won’t, but people that get into this stuff, it is not safe. It can keep you up for days and days. It can, it can. There’s job loss that can come with it, there is relationship loss, there’s money loss. And on top of that, um, your heart rate is going super, super fast. So there’s, um, you know, potential health risks. Like you could have a heart attack, you could, uh, have a stroke, uh, you could have all kinds of different health issues that come out of it. So I don’t see any way that this could be safe, uh, especially the street drugs. I know there are other, certain substances that have amphetamines in them, um, that people use medically, but even those, when abused, are not used safely. Um, if you’re struggling with any kind of addiction, stimulants, depressants, it doesn’t matter. I’m always here for you. 3, 1, 0, 5, 9, 6, 9, 3, 5, 6. Would like to be able to talk you through.