Conquering the Enigmatic Lands of Samora: Elden Ring Adventures with Shen

All right. What’s going on, guys? It’s Shen. We’re back here over on Samora Elden Ring, Shadow of the Urge Tree. We continue our conquest of purging the lands of all of the bosses that have remembrances. Now at the moment, you can see in the back around, I am at this beautiful lush land that really been a very long time since I’ve seen some green. I’ll say that everything we’ve seen up to this point is red and brown and gray and every color except green. Place finally looks like it’s a line.

Now the last video that I did, we went to the Scattertree base and then we ended up beating the sunflower, the shadow sunflower, which was a three phase boss, which is ridiculous. My next goal would be to figure out how to get onto this area. And I did figure it out. I found the bridge. I went across. I got both of the graces on both ends, worked out beautifully. Biggest problem was when it came to this area here. Now behind me, it may not look like that much, but this might be single handedly one of the most using places I have ever been to in my life. If you’ve been in this area, you know exactly what I’m talking about. This is one of the most confusing places on them. And I went down, I went up, I went through weird little holes and cracks in the wall. I ended up coming back out the other side I entered. This place is incredibly confusing, and I’m sorry for anybody else that has to walk through it, but we’ll make it through together.

So now I’m gonna be making my way across this bridge or some way, at least it looks like I can go straight here. So it looks like a straight shot all the way over to this building over here. This seems to be the only building that I can find. There is a building over here, which is this building over here. But I guess I’ll have to figure out how I can go over there after I go and check on this building over here. So if you guys are enjoying these held and ring videos, let me know down in the comment section and by leave it a like on this video. It’s been so fun. I’m gonna be so sad when the series is over. Not like I can’t continue playing, though. Was he doing what? So I guess I’ll just make my way up the hill. Please don’t do anything weird, dude. Bambi is over here. Don’t do it. Do you really wanna be just another evil being in this world? Got a Grace beautiful. Oh, no, there’s more.

I, okay, I spoke too soon. I thought I was out of the woods. Very close to making it up here. And it looks like there’s no other way to go from this point. So I’m either going the wrong way or the are they playing with slinkies? Where do I go out or do I go back? Scatter tree fragment, pull a lift. I’ll take the lift first, then I’ll go and check that other way and see where this goes.

It might be taking me to a different, oh, no, I might be in the right place. Is this the building? It is the building. Is that scarlet rock? Somebody told me, they said that the savage lions claw actually has less stance damage than regular lions claw. So I ended up swapping that out. Also, I ended up finding this two headed sore talisman. Someone left a comment and said where it was. So I went and grabbed it. Thank you. It’s pretty much better into every single way than the Claw talisman ultimately.

Well, yes. It’s not designed to be buffing jump attacks since it’s a two handed jump attack. It still buffs your attack the same, if not more than the law television.

For a while, I was like, why would I ever wanna go and switch to that? I just wanna jump attack. And I’m just like dumb. And I didn’t think about the fact that, wait a minute, it is a two handed attack still. Even when I do a jump attack, right? Wait, it actually is, right? Oh, you can go up even more. What’s down? Is that a lift? I don’t wanna find out. Scarlet Bud. It is Scarlet Rod. Okay, I was gonna get off torque to go and test it, but I’m good. Check behind real quick.

Scarlet bud, six of them now, while it is true if you land more than one of those, you know, the savage lines claw thing, it definitely does more damage. But stance damage wise, lines claw apparently better. I don’t actually know the numbers. I just book leave them. And unless this is a placebo and I sound like a dumbass, I don’t have enough. I just threw. I need another 9K and I don’t have that. But there’s a bus door here. So if I don’t wanna lose the rooms, I just won’t die. Very simple, right? Oh, it’s this actual stuff. Ro Romina, Saint of the Bud, Ramina.

I mean, my fault. Yes. Lions claw. They don’t make me do this. A good meeting. Damage. Know how much damage you finish that phase 2. Oh, . That was cool.