Title: Reflecting on the Past and Planning for the Future: A Mother’s Response to the Modern World

mom I’ve been calling to a meeting about my TikToks and it’s a side hustle everybody’s got them nowadays yes I know you told me to be careful but it’s too late now isn’t it mom should I record the meeting and then post it to socials I’m joking obviously I wouldn’t do that no you won’t find me on socials why because I blocked you all a long time ago we’re not friends you can send me all your silly little gifts on teams but you won’t be sending me memes on socials okay yeah you’re blocked and you’re blocked for a reason LinkedIn is where I spend most of my time now why because I’m trying to find a new job I should have started a YouTube when I was 16 okay that could be on a yacht in the south of France rather than sat here talking to you right now Kevin but we’ve all made wrong choices in our life haven’t we