Blast from the Past: Digitizing Childhood Memories with a Vintage Film Scanner

I have all these photos of myself from when I was a baby taken on film and at the thrift store today I found this film scanner that’ll digitize these photos for only $8 so let’s open this up it’s literally brand new apparently this was made in 1999 plug it into my laptop downloading the software that it needs here is the software now we’ll take this film put it into the scanner like this close it then we can scan and it is scanning in the film we gotta go in there and look at that there’s little me and that’s my twin brother this is going to take a while cause I have so much film and I can only do one little photo at a time photos are adorable so many hours and hundreds of photos later I have scanned all of the photos this photo definitely my favorite I’ve got all these photos from my childhood digitized it’s great Yay technology