Unlocking Success: My Journey from Stay-at-Home Mom to Digital Marketing Expert

I’m 29 with two kids under the age of 5 and I was able to quit my job by starting digital marketing I’m now able to provide for my house entirely and maybe even retire my husband if he stops being so stubborn but if you’re like how I was you see so many of these videos going across your newsfeed you’re not sure if it’s a scam or if it would even work for you well I tried it and it works I’ve tried basically every side hustle that you can think of and even though I worked hard at them I never made more money than what a side hustle can give you cause they’re meant to be on the side then I went on a quest if you will to try all the digital marketing courses that you see because I wanted to have the best one since my name and reputation would be attached to it a few of them were kind of scammy a couple of them weren’t a few of them were complete garbanzo but I did find some that work really well for me and although some of the courses do have an emphasis on certain things like branding or making money in multiple ways here’s the basis of digital marketing so that you can get started like right now step one find a niche I mean a topic choose a topic that you’re either already knowledgeable about or that you want to become knowledgeable about because you’re gonna be talking about it a lot whether you plan on using images text or video you gotta at least be a little bit interested in the topic or you’re gonna shoot yourself in the foot before you even start people usually say choose a topic that’s in health wealth or relationships but I mean that’s mostly true but I know people that are very successful teaching people how to train dogs I know a gal that has a bakery and she turned that into an online business I know a guy that is making over six figures teaching people how to play video games so bottom line just find something that you like step 2 content use the type of content that you’re either good at making or you’re willing to get good at making whether that be text image uh video or audio text would be like blogging or Twitter I mean X images would be like Pinterest Instagram Etsy video is literally every platform known to man and audio is more like a podcast but you choose that by finding out where your customers or your potential customers are hanging out at the most what do they like to consume what do they watch the most that’s where you need to be and that’s where you need to start making content I know if you’re trying to make extra money then you can kind of be pressed for time but sometimes this can take some time to make for me it took a few months and I was able to quit my job entirely for some people it happens faster than that and other people I know that it took them six months or more but now they finally caught their big break I always say it’s not a matter of if you’ll be successful but when your success will come if you stick it out long enough to finally see it and the last step is that you need to sell something and the beauty of that is that you don’t have to create that product yourself you can sell something that’s already made you can take something that someone has already created and it’s already selling and you can sell it too for commission that’s what 99.999% of people do on social media there are several ways that you can go about it so like you could take one cup and sell it on TikTok Shop or maybe you could do dropshipping on Amazon or on Etsy or Shopify or you could post content on Pinterest and you could link to blogs could make digital products about that cup or you could even get a brand deal from the company that created the cup and let them pay you for making the content all of that from one cup now rinse and repeat that same process for a lot of other products find a product build an audience of people that trust your recommendation for different products and then recommend that product to them I literally make over five figures a month doing this exact same strategy I share receipts about this all the time in my videos and in my stories basically I’ve Learned every way to make income coming in from multiple directions and I sell access to a course called selling with confidence so that you can learn all of those same strategies to whether that be dropshipping or getting brand deals or TikTok shop or all the other different ways that they’re gonna be adding here soon comment the word “ZOOM” and I’ll send you a free web class that explains everything and teaches you more about it or of course you can always DM me anytime with questions if it’s something that you’re interested in no it’s not all about selling a course cause I know that’s what the comments are gonna be about it’s about learning how to literally turn your social media presence into your sugar daddy or sugar mama learning how to build a business using the same technology that we all use everyday just to entertain ourselves but instead you learn how to turn it into an ATM machine and you know it’s funny I have some people that used Afterpay and got started for as low as zero dollars but hey you choose stay blessed!🤎✨️