Memories of the Korean War: A Journey Through Grandad’s Photographs

I finally finished scanning all of my grandad’s photos from the Korean War this is my grandad and look it’s the same pin he was a part of a company that was in charge of the ambulances and the pictures that we have of him now are just so cool in the end there were 744 photographs I was talking to my grandma a few weeks ago and my grandma married him when she was really young so I asked her why did you get married so young and she said well Victor such a catch everyone at church wanted to marry him I had to marry him before someone else did and I see what she saw in him he’s a guy that went to the Korean War drove an ambulance and somehow found a way to befriend a horse and he did have great hair but after I finished scanning all of the Korean War slides there were some other slides that he had and I scanned all of those too it seems like he came home from the war and just took a lot of pictures of my grandma this is from a box of slides that was labelled honeymoon and they have matching trunks in matching shirts I’m definitely gonna print this photo and put it somewhere in my house they’re so cute those started to get a little out of hand ha ha ha oh my and what cracks me up about this photo is that I know they had to set the camera on a tripod and then put a little timer on it I still have his camera the tripod and the little timer that attaches to it you wind it up and it goes so that means one of them had to start the timer and then run over and jump into bed and start making out and a couple of boxes of slides later my mom was born but of all of the pictures that I found this is my favorite this is my dad in 1978 now you know why my eyes get so squint when I smile you just look so happy in this field of flowers I don’t know how this ended up in my grandad’s photos because this was before he met my mom what is it they say about apples not falling far from the tree like this is exactly my vibe ha ha