The Bizarre World of Nail Techs: A Comedic Nightmare

I think it’s official. Nail techs are completely out of control. This person is not allowed into the mandatory Mafia. No, this is odd. This is strange. That was a totally unwelcome guest. That bug, if it was under my nail, would really be rubbing me the wrong way. I think the bug hit under the nail. I think it hit under his nail so it could bug him the least. Those were three criminally bad jokes. Probably the worst that I’ve ever written and told. But this is what I have for you today, and so you must accept it. I’m all for having pets. The pets that live under your nail. This was a sensory nightmare. They just. The whole, the whole thing, lifting up the nail, all of it. I, I don’t get it. I don’t understand. This person will never be allowed in the mandatory Mafia under any circumstances. And if I see any of you put a hinge on your nail, I will call the police. Silverfish are bad enough on their own, but the thinking about them living under your nails, under your skin, that’s literally a horror movie. I don’t understand. I don’t get this. I don’t understand what’s going on here. I hope you guys enjoyed that, because I found it for you.