Warning Signs: The Importance of Standing Firm with Divorce and Restraining Orders Against a Narcissist

nor keep trying to contact her and trick me to dropping the charges oh yeah listen to me if you file divorce on a nar go not resend the divorce you do that you’re gonna lose your kids their respect their love for you you’re gonna lose your support system and the NARC has drawn you back in and he’s gonna hammer you as never before cause he’ll never forgive you for filing charges of divorce now if you have filed a restraining order listen to me lady after lady I talked to on the phone and you know what we still move forward but the mistake is he’s sorry I can’t believe he’ll cry tears of pain he’ll get the Oscar for his performance lying scum sucking leech you ignore that you do not drop those charges that’s exactly what he wants no no that’s leverage in the divorce don’t do that if you’ve done that okay get back on track you can still get away from it